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bigcatbulges · 1 year ago
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Source - Bweno_v
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mulders-too-large-shirt · 5 months ago
s3 episode 20 thoughts
dare i say it, once again… new favorite episode??
okay, my previous favorite episode was an ENTIRELY different direction from this one, but i’d say there should be one best episode for serious stuff and one best episode for the silly!!! and this takes the silly crown!! and tbh i can't make an actual hard and fast rating anyway because there are so many great things to choose from- but this is amongst them, for me, in terms of legendary episodes!
please, join me on this ride, which i enjoyed each second of, and will need to someday rewatch without pausing every 0.5 seconds to jot something i noticed down. the live experience begins beneath the cut.
it’s been 84 years…. (3 days since i’ve seen an episode)
ooo, this sounds interesting! is scully going to work with an author?? are we gonna learn more about the things that she reads?? this is prime content to a person like me
stars…. space ship….. filled with tubes and wires and other such things…… just kidding!!! it’s a guy working on some electrical stuff. whilst two people drive by!! i thought they were mulder and scully at first but they are not
“um, i don’t want to scare you, but i think i’m madly in love with you” says this guy who is not mulder but actually named harold to this girl who is not scully but is actually named chrissy. OH! and this is the first date. so that was a weird thing to say. i thought it was quite sweet at first but that changes things for sure.
GASP! UFO be upon them. creatures are coming out to get them. she asks what they are and he says “how the hell should i know?” ooo ooo i know! they are aliens 👽 and then the two fall on top of each other like they are knocked out… and the aliens drag them away???? 
until a king kong looking fellow rolls up. very puppet-y. and the aliens don’t know what this creature is either!!! and also ask what that thing is and the response is “how the hell should i know?” haha i see what you did there... out aliening the alien
bum bum bum bum…. (<- my attempt at recreating the noise of the intro)
now, what was that? i'm stuck on the king kong and godzilla love child puppet….
scan up on mulder’s iconic poster!!! and a guy is here who is yet again not mulder. his name is mr. chung and mulder will NOT talk to him… oooh, what is their beef…?
mr. chung is saying he always felt alienated on this planet, who can even imagine actual aliens! and he has a point there.
oh! scully is a big fan of this fellow, which is why she agreed to talk to this guy!!! he calls her beautiful, which is true, but time and place 
so he isn’t even interested in aliens, but his publisher said he should write a book on the matter. he is going to create a NEW genre: non fiction science fiction, a gimmick that will give him money. this seems somewhat disappointing to scully, who must be a believer in artistic integrity, but i find his honesty refreshing.
she wants him to tell the truth, but apparently he spent 3 months in kass county where all this stuff went down, and NO ONE could tell him what actually happened. the truth is just as subjective as reality. which sounds like something i learned in history class. and, it helps explain why everyone with an alien story starts with some variation of, "i know this sounds crazy, but"...
so he wants HER version of hearing of the case. also he touches her arm and... let's slow down a little there, mr. chung.
OHHH we are seeing a story told in flashbacks!!!! narrated by scully!! how wonderful!!!
this girl is suffering from “missing time”, a phenomenon we have come to know well here on this blog. also her clothes are inside out and she has signs of abuse. not looking great for her.
apparently mulder prefers the term “abductee” to “experiencer”, which mr. chung has valid disagreements with. we go on, however.
this poor girl is seeing aliens that are not there and her nose is bleeding. WAIT! it’s the guy from before! harold and chrissy! he comes to her window to say he did everything he could but she rejects him, thinking he had drugged and assaulted her. yikes.
harold is testifying that he was abducted by aliens, but no one believes him. he stuck to his story UNTIL our agents arrived!
despite this announcement of presumed prison time, mulder brings chrissy in for questioning. asking her if she has all the symptoms of “post abduction disorder”, which she confirms, while scully rolls her eyes with great force in the background. and he talks the girl’s parents into letting her do hypnosis.
“what is your opinion of hypnosis?”, mr. chung asks scully, which is something i also have been dying to know! i mean, we saw her do a little bit before, but it didn’t seem to be a positive experience. she says it has therapeutic value, but has never been proven to enhance memory; it even makes memory worse. a very balanced and doctor-ly answer! 
LMAO scully is so cute… mr. chung mentions another book he wrote and she proclaims it “one of the greatest thrillers ever written” <- STOP I LOVE HER SHE IS SUCH A NERRRRD 😭😭
mr. chung said the FBI knew nothing about how hypnosis worked back during the MK ULTRA days… and he is fascinated by the idea of a person’s consciousness being transformed by listening to words. admittedly very fascinating! you could probably say the same about meditation, no?
(but he speaks to the power of storytelling, i realize now in hindsight! how we find ourselves wrapped up in the tales of things that never happened, how it fills us with sorrow or joy! how fascinating! i see what you did there, writers!)
cutscene to hypnotizing chrissy. who is seeing aliens. she is on a space ship wearing a fit that looks very similar to a lady gaga chromatica era performance, but it has tubes attached to her. harold is in a very similar contraption!!!!
she says the aliens are arguing without moving their mouths and she hears the lead alien in her head saying it’s for the good of her planet. and he is stealing her memories? um. for what purpose...
scully is serving looks in the corner while this goes down, looking mad as hell and very good. she says chrissy's abduction story seems a little TOO typical… and i have to agree! but mulder says no, there are TWO people with the same story! they can't both be lying, surely!
LMAOOOO they play with censoring the dude who comes in and yells at them… “well, of course he didn’t actually say ‘bleeped’” 
(BAHAHA i’m loving this insight into how scully’s memories operate. so this angry man is named detective manners)
“you still gonna hold the boy?” “oh, you bet your blankety-blank bleep i am” <- i am a simple woman, and an actor delivering these lines with a straight face whilst surrounded by other actors keeping a very straight face is going to make me cackle. look at her looking so bored while he says that. i’m howling!!!!
anyway, harold has a very different story on what went down that night, that did not seem to involve gaga-inspired fits, but instead they were both placed in electrified cages. while another alien in a nearby cage smokes a cigarette. he seems to be what i would call “an unbothered king”
in this story, harold claims that he will protect chrissy and never let anything happen to her, and of course something immediately happens to her while he hides in the corner like a baby. lmao.
and this alien is talking in english! not telepathically! he keeps repeating “this is not happening” until harold ALSO gets taken by the thing that took chrissy. 
mulder is trying to figure out what is going on, but his predictions aren’t lining up with what happened to harold. scully is pacing and looking pissed, and again, very pretty.
“you know when you’re a kid, and you tore the legs off a bug for no reason?”, asks harold (cutscene to mulder’s face with visible confusion) LMAOOOOOOO
scully getting to business: did you engage in consensual sexual intercourse that night? she is not messing around! she's had it up to here with the shenanigans of harold and chrissy!
harold is very very quiet until he says that her father will kill him if he finds out!!! gasp!!! confirmation!!!
so is this whole story just… a cover up??? for fornication???
scully vs mulder time. “so what if they’re having sex?” he asks, which is funny coming from him; and anyway, he claims it happened BEFORE the alien stuff went down. but she thinks they’re traumatized, and that is more likely than alien abduction. 
until detective manners bursts in and claims he has an eyewitness to what went down! he used more blanks and bleeps and again the straight faces killllll me
and ALL OF THEM telling their stories start with “i know how crazy this all sounds” just as mr. chung had described LMAOOO. now who tf is this dude who says he was an eyewitness?
(i’m taking soooo many notes because i keep laughing and noting things. which is a good problem to have!)
this dude, named roky, spent 48 hours straight writing down what he saw, and said that by looking at this, they are putting their lives in danger. so okay. better be juicy.
he says his garage door opened up, a car pulled in, and a man told him some facts about venus. he says they put him in a trance! and that they were in all black……
mr. chung says that myths of men in black garments are nothing new!!! so take THAT, men in black legends, you are one of many.
back at roky's place, the other dude in black says jimmy carter thought he saw a UFO once, but it was just venus. roky is scandalized, grabs his paper, and states that he is a REPUBLICAN.
(omg jimmy carter is going to be 100 in a few months god willing…..)
this man in black is saying that roky saw VENUS and nothing else, just VENUS. and not to tell anyone he saw anything but VENUS or he will die. and then the car drives away. 
so after that build up, he gives mulder the manuscript, and says he is packing up and leaving. bye bye roky. hope you find some peace.
mulder is reading this story to scully who is sprawled on the bed, looking, again, angry and hot. it seems he is describing that earlier puppet-y action.
oh! roky was the electrical guy from the very beginning!!! he hides in his truck but the king kong looking fellow says “be not afraid” and that he is needed for the good of the earth? what is with the good of the earth here.
cutscene to a very baffled looking scully laying in bed as mulder continues to read LMAOOOOOO
AND ROKY’S STORY SAYS HE WENT NOT TO OUTER SPACE, BUT INNER SPACE HELPPP!!!! now, inner space is towards the core, if you, like me, were unaware. also, king kong godzilla dude’s name is Lord Kinbote, so jot that down.
mr. chung says he has a copy of roky’s manifesto- which was sent to his publisher? and LMAOOO the story is disturbing both for its soul orgy scenes and the fact that it is written as a screenplay 
well, surely your partner didn’t believe any of it, mr. chung states! “mulder’s had his share of peculiar notions” is scully's carefully worded reply... LMAOOO 
cutscene to her sitting up from the bed and calling him nuts <- LMAOOOOO but HE says that whatever roky saw may have triggered some delusions, and that the only story that doesn’t add up is chrissy’s, so he is calling to get her re-hypnotized, much to scully’s indignation!
so back to the hypnosis. and chrissy is now mirroring harold's story exactly. oh! she says the people who took them are from the air force?? so where did the gaga slay outfits go... 
the air force men are arguing in front of her. and then they say to “rinse her out”. saying it is for the good of her country. and stealing her memories!
so WHO is doing the real memory stealing here….. the aliens or the government?? an age old question!!! one that is at the heart of this series.
scully and mulder fight over what is going on, and he thinks that this might have nothing to do with aliens, until detective manners shows up with news that a crazy blankety blank claims to have an ALIEN BODY!!
(what if it’s a raccoon with mange…)
again, the man recounting this story begins with “i know how crazy this is going to sound”, but then says he wants to be abducted by aliens. well! i’m sure that’s a sexual thing i don’t care to unpack.
cutscene to mr. chung interviewing this same man, who wishes to go where finding a job is not a requirement. he was looking in a field for UFOs. and when he called the authorities upon spotting one, the agents show up!!
he says that scully was a man dressed as a woman but not pulling it off??? RUDE AS HELL! jail for 10,000 years. "HER HAIR WAS A LITTLE TOO RED, YOU KNOW?" LMAOOOOO and mulder was the “tall, lanky one” with a blank expression. well yeah that is an accurate depiction.
BUT THEN SHE GRABS HIM AND SAYS TO NEVER TELL ANYONE HE SAW THIS I’M CRYINGGGG... that had to be such a silly scene to film 
okay, seeing the part about subjective truths now. this is so funny... why is this loser making scully a hater in his version!!!
she’s PISSED to hear he claims she said this LMAOOO and that is ridiculous!! they even let him view the autopsy!!
so mulder takes this weirdo’s camera and records the autopsy?? scully cuts his brain open. and the tape ends up on late night television LMAOOOO
she’s mad that whoever got the film edited out all the important scientific findings!!! like the two layers of skin!!!
wait. it’s a zipper. this is a dead guy in an alien suit. LMAOOOOOOOOO
the weird UFO cameraman kid is ill after realizing it was an ordinary dead guy, and scully looks deeply pained as he runs away to get sick LMAOOO
so: who is this dead guy? he was in the air force! and his name is robert. but who arrives but more people from the air force!! are they here to bury him?? or question the agents…
the folks from the air force want robert back, so she has to break the news that he is dead, and being kept for investigation into kidnapping. can they see him? scully is like yeah sure but mulder says no!!! but you CAN talk to the other AWOL guy we brought in. GASP!! a bluff!!! and it works!! from this they learn there is another missing guy!
LMAOOOO except it doesn’t go as smoothly as intended, and mulder is all “hmm he was here a few minutes ago… guess he’s still AWOL… anyway wanna see the body?” I’M CRYING THIS MANNNN IS SO RIDICULOUS 
but bad news: the body is gone. 
cameraman UFO guy is sitting on his floor watching the autopsy tape. when in bursts… the men in black from the earlier garage scene!!!! they knock him out. 
he claims mulder slapped him back to reality. and that he ALSO threatened him... me when i lie.
so mulder doesn’t have the tape. but when he drives home a fully naked man is walking about in the woods. it’s the other missing lieutenant, jack!! he is repeating “this is not happening” in the same voice as the alien as before!!!!! HUH WHAT IS GOING ON?
mulder takes jack to eat. he claims to have piloted the "UFO", and that all the abductions are military stuff, and at the base the abductees are messed with mentally, until they come out convinced they were probed by aliens. 
well okay, if its all the government, than what abducted YOU, jack? he isn’t sure about anything at all anymore, even if he exists. until who walks in... but the military!!
wait, mulder points out, it can’t all be fake- who was the third alien? jack seems to know him by name- lord kinbote. HUH?
and mr. chung heard a story about that same night from the cook at the restaurant! apparently mulder ordered sweet potato pie? huh, that’s interesting. and he kept ordering more and more pies with each question he asked the chef. LMAOOOO I just KNOW that scene was hard to film!!!! scenes where people eat always make me wonder how many times they had to have that damn bite of pie. 
but he claims there was no jack, nor any air force personnel at all. just a hungry mulder. again, so what is the truth...
mr. chung points out that scully doesn’t seem too phased to learn about all the contradictions in this story, and she says well no, not after what happened next. because when he got back to the motel, the men in black were in her room, going through her stuff! they claim she went to get some ice. he’s got 'em at gunpoint, screaming WHERE IS SHE!!! all protective, okay i see you. but she really did go to get some ice???
okay… man in black says that some alien encounters are engineered by the government and then exposed to discredit truth seekers. and mulder counters, well, people say the men in black also do purposefully strange things, so that anyone describing them sounds crazy! they proceed to… try and hypnotize him?
mr. chung is GAGGED, and wants to know if it WAS alex trebek, but sadly scully cannot confirm, for has no memory of this!! 
she woke up the next morning to mulder in her room….? and mr. chung is also gagged to hear this. me too tbh like did he just sleep on the couch? well we know that is how he sleeps at home so i guess i'm not shocked.
mulder’s trying to explain that she didn’t just "let him in" last night, but detective manners calls and says they found a bleeping UFO.
and what is it but…. a plane!! a secret plane!! and who are they carrying away on stretcher but the missing airmen, jack and robert???? SO HOW DID THEY DIE!
mr. chung puts his pen down, baffled, and scully points out that this story may not have a lot of closure, but it’s more than some of their other cases, which is funny because it is true. and she’s playing with her earrings and it’s so cute.
cutscene to mr. chung typing at his place. until a shadow approaches and he holds a tiny gun!!!! he is ready for a showdown but it’s… mulder at the door?
WAIT how does chung recognize him… did scully show him pictures i'm crying
mulder is in chung's apartment, asking him to not write the book, because it will do a disservice to a field that has always struggled to maintain credibility. we can’t understand these alternate realities yet!!! well. compelling argument... but mr. chung needs a paycheck. 
OH! and mulder suspects that the book is a “covert agenda” of the military industrial complex. always theories upon theories with this guy...
mr. chung says the book WILL be written, but he needs an explanation from mulder: what really happened to those kids on that night?
his answer: how the hell should i know?
(it was so perfect, i thought the episode would end right here)
mr. chung says he has deadlines, and mulder looks very sad, very previously neglected shelter dog rizz, and walks out. back to mr. chung’s furious typing. 
okay, so the cameraman now works for the electrical company roky worked for. because roky moved to california, preaching on purification and the inner earth and core enlightenment. right right right makes sense.
cutscene to scully reading the finished book by mr. chung!!! she is fictionalized as “diane” who is “noble of spirit and pure of heart” but “nevertheless a federal employee” LMAOOOO
and mulder is “renard muldrake” LMAOOOOO that is such a funny name... he's watching something in bed shirtless as his fictionalized self is being described- “a ticking time bomb of insanity” AND HE’S WATCHING THE BIGFOOT TAPES BAHAHAHAHA
chrissy now is an environmental advocate and harold still loves her but it isn’t required. aww harold :(
mr. chung ends by saying that we are not alone in this universe, but in our own way, we are all alone.
this feels like one of those posts where people make up a bunch of information and then it all gets proven wrong so it is described as a "net zero information gain" bahaha
but don't get me wrong, i don't fully understand what happened, but i loved it. i was laughing, i was enjoying seeing the subjectivity of one story to the next, i was enjoying scully and chung time, and despite all the silly, we still got clues on the whole "is it aliens or the government" thing. and sure, maybe it doesn't make immediate sense, but you have to ponder these matters to learn what is at their heart!
so what DID we learn? well, some alien cases might be the government! but i guess that is still a "might", so maybe we can't truthfully say we LEARNED it. we learned that scully is a big fan of mr. chung!!! we learned that mulder is fiercely protective of his line of work from all his years of being ridiculed! and that he watches the famous bigfoot tape for fun and also maybe like sweet potato pie? it was unconfirmed.
i really enjoyed the playing with perspective, seeing how one character saw things, and then another. and seeing mulder and scully threaten that dweeb was so funny because it was so out of character and had to be silly to shoot.
and i thought it was impressive how it managed to tie back to the big alien and government mystery while still making me laugh so hard. how many past episodes can be analyzed through the lens of certain things being faked for exposure? and what REALLY happened to those airmen? we still don't know if mulder's convo with jack even happened! and we never will!
i came to appreciate the company of mr. chung immensely, even though i thought he was gonna be creepy after calling scully beautiful and touching her arm, but i suppose that he was just a genuinely sweet fellow. you can't blame me for being suspicious after some of the things she gets put through, but i'm sure that if i picked one of his books off the shelf, i, like scully, would be a fan.
overall, i am deeply pleased, and would love to give this a rewatch sometime when i am not taking notes so i could appreciate the pacing in more detail. man, season 3 has really been killing it, huh? and i'm nearing the end!!
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theharrowing · 2 years ago
Collateral 🗡️ 17 - Making someone cry is a side-effect of being in love, I'm afraid
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Your ex-boyfriend gets in over his head working for the local mafia, and Boss Min has come to collect his payment: You.
But was it simply a matter of being in the wrong place at the wrong time? Or has he always had his sights on you?
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🗡️ Yoongi x Female Reader x Namjoon, Jungkook x Female Reader 🗡️ word count: 15.6k 🗡️ mafia au, strangers to lovers, graphic violence, major character injury, poly, smut, angst, fluff, nsfw, explicit 21+ 
🗡️ chapter warnings: excessive drinking to numb/forget; so much fucking tension lolol; Hwasa (yes, that is the warning); new nickname for the bingo card (doll/dollface); Jeongguk is a flirty little shit & he got his eyebrow and lip pierced; mc learns to dance; use of "whore" (not derogatory but also kind of derogatory); smoking weed; mc confessing to "going all ways" (sorry straight readers, but i don't know how to not write a queer mc); mc has some complicated feelings and is doing her best; Jeongguk sometimes says the wrong thing but he is also doing his best; a healthy amount of crying; mention of dead moms; discussion of drug use & addiction; inexplicit discussion of sex (sorry lads, the smut is in the second half. it's worth the wait!!!)
🗡️ note: this chapter spans about three weeks, and there is no clear definition of time in between some scenes because mc is just kind of...dealing with the passage of time in her own way. so if it seems kind of disjointed, that is because it is meant to. also, as you may have seen, this chapter wound up being 30k words, so i have broken it in two parts and beefed up some of the scenes. i intend to post chapter 18 very, very soon. ok i love you, enjoy!
🗡️ beta read by @neoneunnajimin!
🗡️ posted on june 2023 | read on ao3
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You love Yoongi; there is no question about it. 
Despite the hurt and confusion and pain, one thing that you are certain about, above all else, is that you love him. 
And that is why you drink. 
You drink to numb the myriad feelings. You drink to pass the time. You drink to forget. With a twinkling haze of intoxication, loud club beats, and bright lights, you drink, and drink, and drink. 
Jimin caves instantly on his insistence to not teach you how to dance, and you realize that he is not only a brilliant dancer, but that he seems to really enjoy having someone around to join him. Behind Paradise is a ballet studio that he owns and rents out to instructors. When he has free time, he goes there to practice in front of the wall of mirrors while some sultry melody plays on an old-fashioned boombox in the corner. 
Sometimes he throws on a hip-hop beat and does experimental moves with his body, contorting his limbs in square, jarring movements. Other times he drifts gracefully through the space to ballet pieces, muttering about Tchaikovski, Prokofiev, and other names of long-dead men that you struggle to pronounce. He is always magnificent—a true artist of his craft. 
It takes no time at all to become a friendly face at Paradise. Within just a few nights, the cocktail waitresses, dancers, bartenders, and regulars all seem happy to greet you. Jimin has introduced you to everyone as dove, a nickname you quickly warm up to, which is what everyone there calls you. 
Everyone, that is, except the new bar manager, Jeon Jeongguk. 
At Paradise, under the flashy red, purple, and fuchsia lights, he calls you dollface, or doll for short. And at first, you fucking hate it; the words stick like bile to your tongue, heavy and tacky. 
But the more he struts over with his black satin shirt unbuttoned just a little too low, hair slicked back, standing too close with his sticky-sweet whiskey breath and muttering shit like, "Looking gorgeous tonight, doll," you begin to warm up to it a little. 
"What happened to buttercup?" you teased the first time he tried the new nickname, and he rolled his eyes, chewing on a piece of pink bubblegum wide-mouthed like an adorable a fucking cow as he said, "That was the old me, dollface; I'm not the same person I was yesterday."
It should come as no surprise that Jeongguk is really beginning to grow on you. Now that he works the bar and you see him a lot more often, his attitude is much softer. He still teases you, and at times, it makes your fucking blood boil, but there is a softness to his gaze, especially when his smile stretches wide, that makes your tummy do a backflip whenever his presence lingers. 
All of this is extra dangerous in your current situation because the last thing you need while on sabbatical from both of the men who you continue to be in some unnamed but deeply romantic relationship with, is Jeon Jeongguk making you feel giddy. Try as you might to convince yourself that your feelings are purely a product of your loneliness, you know that is untrue; your feelings for Jeongguk had already begun to sprout, and, as time goes on, they continue to grow. 
You are also finding yourself charmed by Jeongguk's second-in-command, a wisp of a woman with a wide smile and even wider hips named Ahn Hyejin—stage name Hwasa. Hyejin is tiny, barely standing taller than Jeongguk's shoulder with her sharp stiletto heels on. But she commands a room, voice booming and deep when she needs it to be, making all the dancers do exactly as she says. 
Although you are surrounded by beauty in a place like Paradise, nobody steals your attention like Hyejin. Her beautiful diamond-shaped face is always made up with sharp black eyeliner and bright red lipstick. With wide, dark brown eyes that pierce into your soul, all it takes is one pointed smirk, and you are practically melting to her feet. She is always dressed a little revealing, showing enough skin that your eyes continuously trail back to her, just to get another glance.
You understand why men wage wars over love and lust. Hyejin is living proof of why so many sonnets and classic literature pieces are steeped in maniacal desperation over a woman some lonely man saw at a passing glance one time. 
Hyejin was once a dancer, too, but she worked her way into a management position, and all the family men who come to the bar treat her like a sister, including Jeongguk, who only reluctantly calls her Hyejin-noona because she is two years older than him and likes to insist on the nickname. 
She teases Jimin at times, too, being several months older than he is, and she uses it to her advantage when she wants him to do something for her. Jimin always grumbles, rolling his eyes while fulfilling her requests to make the stages and dress rooms better for the dancers, but he does everything out of love for her, and for his dancers, and he is grateful to have her on his management team, giving him advice on how to improve.
Hyejin is, in a word, amazing.
"I see the way you look at her," Jimin teases you tonight the moment she walks in sporting a red one-piece latex bodysuit with long sleeves and a deep v-collar, putting her thighs on glorious display. She wears matching red thigh-high boots, and her long, dark brown hair falls past her shoulders in waves.
Although you turn your head in the direction of Jimin's voice, your eyes stay on Hyejin as she struts over to the bar where Jeongguk is leaning forward on his elbows, getting his attention by draping herself over him and slamming her hip against his side. 
"Hmm?" you finally ask when seeing the two of them standing side-by-side has your cheeks feeling entirely too warm, though it still takes a few stray seconds to pull your gaze to Jimin. 
He has one perfectly manicured eyebrow raised, and he tongues the inside of his cheek, making you feel even more embarrassed. You are only human…what does he expect from you?
Tonight, Jimin wears silver shimmer on his eyes, with his brown hair styled off his forehead. His black satin button-up is undone to the center of his chest, and it is tucked into very tight, fitted black slacks, styled with black boots. 
Everyone at Paradise is honestly so breathtaking; it is no wonder the place brings in so many high-rollers willing to spend top dollar. Although you are determined to keep Jimin as a friend only—not that he has ever shown signs of wanting more from you—you still find yourself stunned by his beauty.
"Gonna start calling you fawn instead of dove," Jimin teases, and you snicker at the wordplay, unwilling or able to deny you have been fawning over Hyejin since the moment you met her. 
"I need a pet name bingo card," you tease, scrunching your nose to feign annoyance, despite finding it cute. 
You smell a familiar perfume—bright floral and lightly fruity—dance softly in the air before you feel an arm sling around your waist, and you take a fortifying breath before turning to find Hyejin's beaming red smile inches from your face. 
"Hey, dove," she greets in a deep, sultry tone that makes every little hair on your body stand up. 
"Hey, Hyejin," you respond as your cheeks become hot.
"What are you up to tonight?" she asks, giving your waist a squeeze before sliding her arm away but staying just as close. "Practicing any more of your dance moves?"
You giggle and shake your head, feeling nervous about talking to her, of all people, about dancing. Once Jimin let it slip that he was showing you floor moves, both Hyejin and Jeongguk began hounding you for a demonstration. 
"Ahhhh, probably not," you respond, sounding just as awkward as you feel. "I was planning on sitting here tonight and drinking all of Jimin's expensive whiskey for free."
Hyejin pouts and it sends your heart haywire, making you nearly cave. "I want to see your moves," she says in a sweet, baby voice that has you floundering for words—deciding that you would probably do anything to satisfy her. 
"Maybe once I feel more confident," you respond demurely, nibbling on your bottom lip. 
This seems to satisfy her, and she winks as she says, "Looking forward to it," before walking off to the dressing rooms to check on her dancers. 
"Holy shit," you mutter under your breath once she is gone, catching your breath as if you had just run a marathon. 
Jimin scoffs, teasing you as he says, "You are such a whore," and you laugh with him, rubbing your palms over your face. The effect that she has on you must be as obvious to her as it is to everyone else, and the prospect of that makes you nervous.
You have begun to dress a little nicer when you visit Paradise, starting from the first night Hyejn was introduced to you—wearing the more casual designer dresses that Jimin graciously brought from your room at the mansion, and letting him do your hair and makeup. She always gets a little too close when you have your cleavage showing, so you have been displaying it more and more lately.
"She's just so pretty," you complain as if it is an inconvenience, making Jimin laugh anymore. 
"Careful, doll," Jeongguk's voice speaks way too close to your right ear, causing you to gasp and flinch, turning in the direction of the sound. "Keep flirting with her and it might make me jealous."
You scoff and lean away from Jeongguk, who only crowds closer, teasing you with a grin. Recently, Jeongguk has gotten his eyebrow and lip pierced, both on the right side—your left—and he keeps his hair cut short with a sharp, dark undercut. Today, his hair is styled in a swoop over his forehead, and his delicate, floral musky scent is dizzying the closer he gets. 
Since working at Paradise, Jeongguk has begun to dress a little differently, and you find yourself unable to keep from sneaking glances at the slivers of skin he kept hidden behind buttons and t-shirts before. He continues to don his standard all-black attire, but he has also switched to satin, much like Jimin. His shirts are always unbuttoned to the center of his toned chest with no undershirt, and tonight he has several silver chains of various lengths and widths cascading from his neck. 
"I wouldn't dream of it," you tease as you take a step away from Jeongguk and spin on your toes, toward the bar. A sexy R&B song plays loudly, and you swish your hips to the rhythm, knowing without having to glance back that he is watching you. 
And although you tell yourself that you should not enjoy his attention so much—or anyone's attention, for that matter—you revel in the thrill it gives you. Yoongi and Namjoon have both encouraged you to pursue him, anyway…surely they wouldn't mind if you have a little innocent fun. After all, you have no idea when you may see the two of them again.
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Nights at Jimin's house are lonely. His mansion is huge and empty, and you prefer not to spend much time there by yourself, which means you tend to be at Paradise from late evening to mid-morning most nights. At first, you thought your sleep schedule would adjust and you would become a night owl just like Jimin and Jeongguk, but as the days wear on, you find yourself exhausted, floating through a realm of half-wakefulness. The drinking likely does not help. 
But what other choice do you have? Despite the deep ache behind your ribs, it feels too soon to return to Namjoon. During a brief phone call shortly after returning from Paris, he mentioned Yoongi was in the countryside at a facility to help him get past the first three weeks of withdrawal. 
From time to time, you find yourself wondering how long it has been since you returned from Paris. It could have been weeks, but it could have been days; you have been disinterested in keeping track, finding the tangible passage of time too painful to confront. You figure the time will come when they are both ready to return to you and not a moment sooner; no use dwelling on it.
On the nights when all you wish to do is let go and forget, you either sit at the center stage and watch the strip shows with a drink in hand, or you head to the upper-level VIP section of the club and dance by the railings. When you are feeling outgoing, you find a group of drunk, friendly women by the back bar to become single-use friends with for the night and dance until bar close. 
Back when you first moved into the mansion, Paradise was apparently a dance club with a brothel beneath, just like Serendipity. But during the weeks leading up to your Paris trip, Jimin had been working on getting the space remodeled—hence why you had not seen him around much, for a while. There still is a dancefloor, but it is rather compact near the back bar; not too many people come to Paradise just to dance. 
The main room now consists of three stages—two smaller ones on either side of the room, and one large stage in the center, all equipped with a spinning poll. Everything is made up of dark wood, black leather, and chrome.
Beneath Paradise, there are still brothel rooms, but it is a very hush-hush affair that not too many patrons seem aware of. A patron can book any of the dancers for a private strip show and lap dance in a back room, but anything explicitly sexual is kept strictly to the lower level, and unless someone knows how to ask for it, they will get removed from the premises in a heartbeat. 
Jimin oversees all Paradise operations, but his main focus is on the activities that take place underground. Jeongguk and Hyejin oversee everything on the main floors, including the strip stages, the back bar and dancefloor, and the VIP bar upstairs, which is more or less just a mezzanine with a bar and booths that cost a pretty penny to use. 
Paradise is your oyster, and you more or less have free reign to do anything you would like.
During the nights when you do not feel like drinking, you go to the dance studio. Sometimes, Jimin goes along to let off some steam, either before he needs to run things at Paradise, or when he has a break in his duties. Other times, you go alone. 
You have been getting a hang of moving your body in ways Jimin has shown you, and in new ways that you are discovering on your own. And although you are nowhere near as flexible or fluid as he is, you are surprised by how your body can bend and move and stretch when you allow it patience and grace to learn how. You get why he, and the other dancers at Paradise, take so much pride in their craft. To the patron, it may just seem like stripping and ass-shaking for some loose notes, but to them, and to you, it truly is an art form.
On nights when you dance, the loneliness is not at all quelled, and you find yourself spacing out often and getting lost in your thoughts. But the more you move and let out all of your pent-up energy, the lighter the loneliness seems to feel. Some nights you are able to relax and feel at peace, rolling and stretching your body without a care in the world. It gives you hope that there truly may be a light at the end of this tunnel, no matter how long it takes for you to reach it.  
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"Hey, pretty," a familiar sultry voice purrs, giving you goosebumps. 
It is some unknown night in the middle of the week, and you left a group of bachelorettes by the back bar to step outside and smoke a joint. It is rare that anyone is out here, and you are surprised to find Hyejin, of all people, leaning against the brick wall in this quiet, employees-only escape tucked away in a dark alley. This spot is nestled behind a tall fence, past which is a set of dumpsters and a narrow path out to the main roads.
Hyejin is beautiful as always, wearing a black long-sleeve crop top shirt and high-waisted short shorts, under which black garters stick out and are clipped to black thigh-high socks. Her hair is pulled back into a bun, slicked on the sides, and as she approaches, her mary jane heels clack against the pavement. 
"Hyejin," you mutter, swallowing thickly and abandoning the joint you had forgotten to light, cradling it in your fist. "Didn't realize you would be out here."
Tonight, she wears a nude lipstick rather than the red you have grown accustomed to, and her smile is not quite as warm. As she approaches, you are greeted by her lightly fruity, floral perfume. 
"Stepped out for a breather," she sighs, eyes falling to your hand before they meet your gaze. With a raise of her eyebrows, she adds, "Mind if I help you smoke that?"
Your brain has to reboot before you lift your hand to inspect its contents, and you remember what you came outside for, chuckling as you hold out the joint and lighter to her and say, "Of course. You can hit greens."
Every once in a while, Hyejin will smile shyly. She has a practiced shy smile that she uses on Jimin, Jeongguk, and plenty of her customers—honed to perfection to get just what she wants. But this one is soft and delicate, filling her beautifully golden-tawny-toned cheeks with a deep red blush. 
As she unfurls the soft smile that opens into a toothy grin, she reaches out both slender manicured hands and takes your offering, gently scratching her long, painted-black fingernails against your palms. The sensation sends a shiver through you, and you giggle, squeezing your hands shut before opening them again.
"That tickles," you admit when she looks curiously, laughing softly at you.
"You're easily ticklish, hmm?" she mutters with the joint cradled between her lips, then flicks on the lighter, giving her face a beautiful golden glow while igniting the tip and sucking in. 
Hyejin takes a slow inhale followed by a sharp one, then holds her breath and passes the joint to you. When she lets out an exhale, smoke plumes in front of her, and you take a nice, big hit and hold it in, just the same. 
The smoke is warm in your lungs and licks at your senses. As you breathe it out, you feel a small sense of release, letting your shoulders drop and your body relax. 
When you turn to hand the joint back to Hyejin, she is standing much closer, leaning on the sliver of brick wall between you and the closed back door. You instinctively take a step back but rotate so that you are facing her, with barely any space between you. This time, when she smiles, her eyes have the sparkle that you are used to, but there is still an unmissable hint of sadness swirling in their deep umber depths. 
"You know, you can always talk to me if you need someone," she offers unprompted as she takes a hit and hands the joint back. 
You nod and mull it over, unsure where you would even begin. You have no idea what Hyejin knows about your situation, and although you think you can trust her, there is a part of you that is unsure whether you really want to talk about it, especially right now. 
"Thank you," you say before taking a hit and holding it in. Hyejin turns her head to blow the smoke away from your face, then she reaches out one hand and gently rubs her fingertips over your wrist, snaking them into the sleeve of your black denim jacket and sending a tingling warmth into your bloodstream.
You turn your head to exhale, then hold up the joint, asking, "More?"
"I'm good right now," she responds softly, and you move your hand away from her inviting touch to pinch the lit end off onto the ground. In your pocket is a small plastic tube into which you slide the joint, placing a little plastic cap over the end so that its smell does not stick to your clothing, and then you return your arm to its spot and allow her fingers to resume exploring your wrist and hand.
"I appreciate the offer," you try, hearing the way your voice trembles as the weed settles over you and fills you with a heavy-weightless warmth, buzzing in a deep thrum that tenses and relaxes and relaxes and relaxes. Sheepishly, with a giggle, you add, "I don't…really know where to begin."
Hyejin's hand sides into yours, palm against palm, fingers wrapping and holding on tight. 
"That's okay," she responds with a disarming smile. "I just wanted to offer, just in case. I know you have Jimin and Jeongguk, too."
At this, you laugh and sink further against the brick wall, tilting your head to rest against the scratchy, unwelcoming surface. "I do have them…for better or worse."
Hyejin laughs in understanding, then she rolls her eyes and says, "Jeongguk is so possessive; I thought the two of you were dating when you first started coming around."
"Oh?" you respond, a bit surprised by this news. Admittedly, when you first began coming to Paradise, you thought there was something going on between the two of them. It took a couple nights to realize that the way Hyejin hangs off of and pouts at her manager is all an act. "We're…not…" you begin, trailing off, unsure what to say.
"He clearly has feelings for you, regardless," she adds, and you search her face and fidget in place. Hyejin seems genuine and sweet, but you are so used to women in this line of work having ulterior motives and using kindness as a tool to gain information and an upper hand. But that does not seem to be what she is doing, and you let out the breath that had gotten trapped in your lungs and nod, chuckling lightly. 
"Yeah," you admit, feeling your cheeks warm. "He…certainly does."
"Oh my god," Hyejin teases, squeezing your hand until you look at her wide, beaming smile. "You like him too, don't you?"
Try as you might to shake your head and mutter, "No," she mirrors the movement, laughing and practically shouting, "Yes, you definitely do! You are a terrible liar, dove!" 
"It's…complicated," you mutter, squeezing your eyes shut with embarrassment. 
A sweet giggle flits through the air like a flutter of butterflies, and you open your eyes to find Hyejin regarding you with the sweetest smile. 
"I won't judge you," she assures, giving your hand another squeeze. "I don't know a lot about your relationship, but Jimin has mentioned you are dating two men, which…honestly, sounds like a dream come true."
Your heart seizes a bit around the word dating, and you swallow thickly and nod, unwilling to go down that path. Nothing has ever been established, despite your confessions of love and the huge, expensive fake-engagement ring that sits in your dark, empty bedroom. Sometimes, if you allow yourself to dwell on it, both the distance and time spent away from them make you worry that things may have an end date that is sooner than you expect. 
But none of this is pertinent enough information to share at a time like this, so you smile as convincingly as you can while saying, "It has its perks."
Hyejin returns your smile and closes the already meager space between the two of you to press a kiss against your cheek. Her mouth is soft and warm, and you let your eyes flutter closed, smiling from the smell of bluebells and apple that fills your senses. As she pulls her lips back, she stays close, cradling your chin with her hand while opening her mouth to continue speaking. However, the back door flies open, cutting off what she was going to say.
The sight of Jeongguk looking around the corner makes you gasp and back up, kicking up a flurry of feelings in your chest. Despite nothing happening between you and Hyejn, this feels like too precarious of a position to be caught in suddenly. Daresay, it may appear somewhat intimate. 
Jeongguk's expression is wide and shocked, but it quickly melts to intrigue. He steps outside and approaches, slinging an arm over both your shoulder and Hyejin's. 
"Well, what have we here?" he asks with a tone that is far too gleeful for anyone's good. 
"I was just telling our dove that I am here if she needs anything, and then I gave her a kiss on the cheek," Hyejin says, turning to Jeongguk and standing on her toes to plant her lips against his jaw. 
Jeongguk looks affronted and gasps as she says, "There, now nobody is left out."
"Listen, I'm not here to break up whatever is going on between my favorite girls." Jeongguk says, gaze on you as he raises an eyebrow and adds, "I just didn't know our doll swings both ways."
Feeling indignant and a little claustrophobic, you shrug away from Jeongguk's arm and give his shoulder a shove. 
"For your information, I go…all ways…" you mutter with a grimace, trailing off because you do not owe him an explanation. Labels for sexual orientation may work for some, but they have never been your thing; you like people for people, and it is as simple as that. Defensive, you add, "But she was just giving me a friendly little kiss on the cheek, so it doesn't matter."
Jeongguk grunts unconvincingly, then leans in close to say, "But a kiss between friends can easily spiral into something more, can it not?"
With that, Jeongguk takes a step back, leaving you standing shell-shocked and ready to smack him. Jeongguk winks and says, "Hyejin-noona, when you're ready, I have some things I wanna go over with for tonight," then he walks inside. 
Hyejin holds out her elbow, asking, "Shall we?" and you lift a hand to slide against her soft skin, allowing her to lead the way. 
Once you are back inside, the bachelorette group is still at the back bar, drunker and louder than when you left them, and you wave Hyejin and Jeongguk off as you walk over and allow the women to pull you into their chaotic little group for shots. 
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You wake up late in the evening with a hangover after hanging with the bachelorette group the night and morning before, taking shot after shot of overly sweet liquor that was far too strong for its own good. It feels like it has been ages since you have felt so awful, and the thought of having even a drop more of alcohol makes your stomach churn.
So, tonight, rather than go to Paradise, you decide to visit the dance studio to practice the floor moves Jimin has been teaching you. Although you are still certain you have no desire to dance at the club, practicing the moves has been cathartic. And it helps you slow down on drinking. Being a lush for a while has definitely been one way to handle your myriad tumultuous emotions, but the hangovers are too frequent, and after what you felt earlier today, you are eager to change your ways.
Dancing also makes you feel sexy. You enjoy watching the way your body can curve and flex, bending and swaying in ways you had never really attempted before. Tonight you alternate between taking moves slowly on the floor, facing away from the mirrors, before attempting to add speed and flow to them while watching your reflection. 
With the cassette mixtape that Jimin has scribbled Whore Mix onto playing through the boombox, you stretch on a dark purple yoga mat that sits in the center of the floor while a sultry voice sings and raps over a beat that begs your hips to move, with the mirrors to your left and the studio door behind you.  
The approaching click-clack of boots against the wooden floor that greets you does not strike you as odd at first; you have grown accustomed to Jimin and his affinity for boots. So you continue practicing without turning to greet him.
Anchored back on your elbows, sitting on the mat on your left hip, with both legs bent, you stretch your right leg straight and fan it out at an angle lifted in front of you. In the same fluid motion, you lift your left leg, creating a v-shape in the air. Then you curl your legs in, trying to perfect the graceful movement that Jimin is so good at, twisting until you are on your right hip.
Only when clapping echoes through the room do you realize that the boots had stopped moving and that the tell-tale frenetic energy Jimin always brings to the studio is missing. You turn with a gasp and find Jeongguk standing in the center of the room, wearing his standard all-black. His button-up is undone enough to show a dip of his chest, as always, with no shirt underneath, and it is tucked into black slacks that are so fitted, the material strains against his thighs when he shifts from one foot to the other. 
"My, my," Jeongguk teases, approaching before squatting beside you. "What have I walked in on?"
Instinctively, you lean away, feeling warmth flood your cheeks. You sit wearing a tight purple sports bra and very tight, very short black athletic shorts, making you self-conscious to be met with such a hungry stare, especially knowing that he had been watching you, just now. 
"Jeongguk," you mutter, having to clear your throat to get more sound out. "What are you doing here?"
"I was coming to see if Jimin was here. Wanted to run a few things by him."
You nod, feeling like a fish out of water with how your mouth hangs open. Jeongguk's cologne is stronger than usual and a little different tonight—musky and floral with hints of spice—and you find it incredibly intoxicating. 
"But what I found is far more enticing," Jeongguk continues with a smirk.
Silence falls between you, and you feel your hands prickle with sweat. All you can think about is that kiss in Hong Kong and the chemistry you found in his lips—how delicately he asserted control but never pushed or pulled too much, causing you to unravel in moments. You want to feel that again—want to feel him again—so much that it seems like a bad idea for you to be left alone with him, like this. Flirting in the club, with people around, is one thing, but here, alone, seems dangerous.
Jeongguk stands, and you let out a heavy breath, then swallow a lump, feeling relief wash over you at the thought of him leaving. But then he walks over to the corner, to where some black chairs are shoved together, and he grabs one. Anxiety washes over you when he begins to bring the chair over, boot heels echoing loudly against the floor as he places it beside you and has a seat. He spreads his legs and leans forward, resting his wrists against his knees, tattooed hands so close you could reach out to him. 
With his lips tugged into a sharp grin, he says, "Let me see that move again."
You must look as stunned as you feel, blinking up at him, because he chuckles and raises his pierced eyebrow, clearly amused by your lack of response. 
"Come on, dollface," Jeongguk teases, leaning even closer and dropping his voice far too low for comfort. "Don't be shy."
Even as nervous as you are under his piercing stare, you like the attention he gives you. But continuing what was started between you without Yoongi or Namjoon present feels wrong, and it stirs up guilt and shame, starting in your tummy and working its way to your throat. You want to show Jeongguk your moves and crawl to him, grind your hips over his lap until he calls you noona and begs you for more. But not here. Not like this. 
Luckily, the click-clack that actually belongs to Jimin's boots storms down the hallway and into the room, giving you an out. 
"I told you to meet me in my office," Jimin complains, approaching with his hands on his hips, one balled into a fist that holds onto a manilla envelope. "Why did you come here? To bother her?"
"I must have misread the text," Jeongguk responds, eyes still on you while they glimmer mischievously before turning his attention to Jimin. "Office…dance studio…same thing."
Jimin lunges forward and slaps the envelope against the back of Jeongguk's head, saying, "Not the same thing, and you know it!" before shoving the document into his hands. 
You watch somewhat stunned as Jeongguk's mouth falls agape, and he chuckles. Then, as he begins to open and read through the contents of the folder, you take your leave, rolling the yoga mat in your hands as you walk away. Draped over one of the black chairs in the corner is a black hoodie and sweatpants, and you pad over, set the mat onto a chair, and slink into the garments, keeping your hair tucked into the shirt and the hood pulled low over your face.
"Gonna head back to work," Jimin says in a flurry, exiting just as fast as he arrived with the folder in his hand. "Come to the club if you want. Or call me if you need anything."
With a nod, you turn on your toes and begin for the door.
"And just where are you going?" Jeongguk asks, stopping you in your tracks and pushing a sigh from your lungs.
"Home," you say before your lips flounder, and you correct yourself, heavy-blinking. "Jimin's place."
With a hum, Jeongguk stands and says, "I'll drive you," picking up his chair to bring it back to where he got it from. 
Although you have made no plans for a ride, you know that Hoseok was at the club earlier, and you had planned to call and see if he was around. Jeongguk giving you a ride would definitely be convenient, but is that something you want right now?
"You have work to do," you insist, shaking your head and feeling nervous at the thought of being in a vehicle alone with him. 
But Jeongguk sets the chair down, takes you by the back of the arm, and begins to usher you rather forcefully out the door. As your sneaker heels dig into the wooden floor, rubber squeaking with each step he makes you take, you feel petulant, and you are dragged to the dark hallway before you manage to yank yourself out of his grasp and take an uneasy step back.
"What the fuck are you doing?" you ask, feeling anger rise and fighting the urge to slap him. 
"What?" Jeongguk says through a chuckle, looming over you while he steps forward, closing the distance with each step you take backward until you hit the wall. "You're dancing like a whore now, so I figured you wanted to be treated like one, too."
Although you feel anger buzzing through you like a livewire, sending every nerve on high alert, more than anything, you feel deflated. Despite Jimin jokingly using that word to tease you, there is something about the way Jeongguk says it—something almost sardonic and mocking in his tone, met with how forcefully he dragged you out of the room. It settles like bile in your guts and makes you feel extremely uncomfortable. 
But, rather than put up a fight and challenge him, you storm away, shoving past his weak attempt to hold you back as you stomp toward the door. 
"Hey," Jeongguk calls, heavy footsteps trailing behind you. "What's the matter with you?"
Unable to hold in your rage, you spin on your toes, shoving your palms against Jeongguk's chest as you say, "What's the matter with you?"
Jeongguk hardly flinches, and when you step forward to push him again, he grips onto your wrists and holds you still, tugging you close to him but not in a way that is meant to be rough or suggestive. He almost looks worried, brows knit as he studies your face. 
"Hey, hey," he mutters, holding onto you just tight enough that you have no choice but to stop lashing out. 
Somehow it works. Maybe because you are exhausted, or maybe it is the floral, musky scent of his cologne—or a combination of things wrecking your tiny sense of sanity—but you hold still and let Jeongguk softly shush you while rubbing his thumbs over the knobby joints in your wrists.
"I don't like it when you talk about women that way," you say, feeling a swell of sadness fill your chest. You are aware that this is likely a trauma response to the way men have treated you in the past, but you need to at least attempt to establish a boundary. "I know we joke about it at the club, but the way you said it, I—" You close your eyes and shake your head. 
"When have I ever talked about women that way?" Jeongguk asks, voice sounding more defensive than apologetic. "Look, I was joking. I'm sorry."
"Just don't do it, okay?" you insist, yanking your hands away until Jeongguk relents and folding your arms over your chest. "I was a whore before, Jeongguk. Is it so terrible? Do you really need to make it sound so demeaning? Yoongi's mother was a whore, too, you know."
Jeongguk's face pales, and he appears angry for a split moment, but you do not attempt to argue. Perhaps it is out of pocket to bring up Yoongi's dead mother, but you were a part of the honey bees who came after her; you belonged to the same organization, come hell and high water. 
"You're right," he says, taking a step back and sliding his hands into his pockets. "I don't look down on sex workers, and I shouldn't talk as if I do. I'm sorry I offended you. I know that we make jokes, and I guess I got carried away. I didn't consider how even playful actions might bring up bad memories for you, and I get what that's like."
Surprised and unsure what to say, you rock on your feet a little before settling on, "Okay."
"My mother was a whore too," Jeongguk adds, stepping forward slowly. "I never held it against her. Even when it got her killed, I never thought badly about her."
There it is, once more—the taste of guilt.
"Jeongguk," you say, taking a step forward, but he holds up his hand and shakes his head. 
"I offended you. I'm the one apologizing. Let me make it up to you by driving you home?"
You nod, conceding. "Alright."
The walk to Jeongguk's black sports car is quiet in a way that feels charged and awkward, but as you settle in, you begin to relax. Silence continues to hang during most of the drive, and all the while, you think of Yoongi. As you stare out at the city lights that fade the further you get from the city, you wonder how he must be doing and whether he will return home soon. 
"Did you supply the heroin?" you ask without thinking, staring out at the dark roads past the city line. 
As silence stretches, part of you worries that Jeongguk might be offended by your question, and you keep your eyes on the shadowed hints of trees, refusing to acknowledge the expression on his face. 
Finally, Jeongguk mutters a simple, "No," and you allow yourself to regard him. 
Jeongguk's jaw is tense, and he stares ahead at the road, tonguing on the inside of his mouth while both hands tightly grip the steering wheel.
"I didn't think you did," you respond softly, watching as his pierced eyebrow raises. "I don't know why I felt compelled to ask."
Jeongguk's gaze flicks to you, then back on the road. "Because you overheard my conversation with Namjoon that morning outside your bedroom. And because I was the one in charge of the drug operations."
"Yeah," you respond with a shrug. "But I don't think you would be that careless."
With a hum from Jeongguk, silence settles once more. You relax back in your seat, watching the road curve and become a little hilly before evening out. By now, you are familiar with this stretch, anticipating the sight of the property to come into view very soon. 
Whenever you pass the mansion these days, it is dark and quiet. If not for the outdoor security lights, it would be nothing more than a looming shadow—a silhouetted remnant of lives at a standstill. Namjoon must sleep in his own home, and from time to time, you consider walking down the dirt and gravel path to his property to see him.
But everything feels off balance in a way that you struggle to reconcile, and you feel like you need a little more time. You fish your phone from your hoodie pocket and check his Instagram feed, sad to see he has not posted anything to his story. 
Namjoon likes to post his workout routines, what he is listening to, and shots from trips to museums. Lately, though, he barely shares anything, making the lack of his presence feel heavier. You nearly ask Jeongguk to drop you off at his place, but you cannot seem to open your mouth to get the words out.
Instead, you text him. 
You: It's hard to keep tabs on you when you don't post story updates.
The message feels stupid, and you chew on the inside of your mouth once you hit send, staring at the screen and hoping that when he sees it, he does not find it annoying. Is there a chance of him being offended?
Three dots appear and disappear, over and over, making the anxiety in your tummy frantically build and crash like a wave pool that has just been switched on. But then he sends a simple little sentence that stirs both immense joy and deep, profound sadness— 
Namjoon: I miss you too, sweetheart.
—and you stare down at it until your vision blurs with tears.
As you open your mouth to ask to be taken to Namjoon's house, the dots appear and disappear again, and rather than speak, you clear your throat and wait for him to say more. 
"What is it?" Jeongguk asks, and you turn your head to him, confused at first, then realize he may have taken the sound as a feeble attempt at starting a conversation. 
"Oh," you respond, "Uh, nothing."
"Alright," Jeongguk says simply as he begins to turn into Jimin's driveway, waiting as the metal gate opens and allows you entrance.
As you pull into the drive, listening to the gate close behind you, the urge to cry becomes more difficult to tamp down. You swallow thickly, blinking away tears as Jeongguk stalls in front of the door. 
"You good?" Jeongguk asks, and you turn to regard him, but as soon as you open your mouth to tell him you are fine, the sounds die in your throat, and you have to swallow everything back down again. 
"Th-thanks for the ride," you manage to mutter as you get out of the vehicle and run to Jimin's door, punching in an eight-digit code and holding your eyes open as wide as you can manage for the retina scan. 
Once inside the dark, empty mansion, you sink against the cold, wooden door, feeling your chest heave with emotion so deep, you become nauseated. Gripped in your fist, your cell phone vibrates, and you lift the device in a shaking hand, checking the notification—
Namjoon: I miss your voice. And your smile. I hope you're taking care of yourself.
—which sends you crashing over the edge as tears pour and your voice comes out in a loud, terrible sob.
Your heart pounds as you cry, feeling the crushing weight of how deeply you miss Namjoon. Although each breath that enters and exits your lungs is a storm, rattling and shaking you to the core, you sniffle and hold your phone tightly in both hands as you place a call. It is late, but Namjoon is responding to texts, so perhaps he is free to talk. 
Namjoon picks up on the first ring, and when his deep, surprised voice says, "Hey, sweetheart," you sob even harder. How is it that something so tiny could make his absence feel so much heavier?
"Hey," Namjoon says, sweet and alert, "are you alright? Where are you?"
"I'm okay," you cry, punctuated by a sniffle. "I'm at Jimin's. Everything is fine."
"Everything does not sound fine," Namjoon insists, and you smile softly at his concern, taking in a deep breath. "Do you need something? Can I…can I do anything?"
Namjoon still owes you an explanation, and it is not something you will easily let slip. But you are certain that you cannot continue to keep him at a distance, even if it means putting the much-needed conversation on the back burner. Although life with Jimin has been fun and a little exciting, the loneliness you feel from being away from Namjoon and Yoongi has a tendency to become excruciating. 
"Can I see you?" you ask weakly, like a child who is afraid of being scolded. 
The soft chuckle that proceeds, "Of course, you can," warms your heart, and you close your eyes and smile wide, clutching your phone tightly to your ear. "Give me ten minutes? I'll be right there."
With a wet, disgusting sniffle, you say, "Okay," and rub the back of your hand against your nose. 
"I'll be there soon," Namjoon says as he ends the call, and you nod to nobody as you drop your phone down and clench it to your heart. 
It takes effort, but you peel yourself from the floor and kick off your shoes before heading up the stairs to your borrowed bedroom, squinting as you switch on the light. The room is similar to your room in Yoongi's mansion, but the bedding and curtains are pinks and oranges—a permanent sunrise. 
As you cross the room to the walk-in closet, you pull off the joggers and athleticwear from earlier and find a cute, soft pair of pink sleep shorts and a matching, loose pink tee. Then you run into the bathroom to brush your teeth. Even though you did not drink anything tonight, you want to kiss Namjoon until your lips bruise, and you need to be minty fresh. 
By the time you are rinsing your mouth and wiping your chin off, you hear a loud knocking on the front door, surprised that ten minutes could have passed so quickly. You run out of the ensuite and find your phone on the bed to shoot off a message before heading down to let Namjoon in.
You: One minute!
Although the rest of the mansion is dark, Jimin also has security lights on outside, and they shine through the windows enough to cast a silver glow over the small mezzanine and down the steps. You scurry down quickly, feet carrying you light and fast, and when you get to the front door and fling it open, you hardly have a chance to take in the sight of Namjoon before he is crossing the threshold and lifting you into his arms. 
A sob quakes through you as you wrap your arms and legs around him, burying your face into his neck. He smells musky—a bit sweaty—but the bright cologne with gentle floral hints you are used to are present. Namjoon closes the front door, haphazardly steps from his shoes, and makes his way to the stairs, stepping slowly as he holds you tight. If you are not mistaken, it feels like his breathing shutters through him, and you wonder if he may also be crying. 
"I'm sorry," you find yourself muttering when the silence stretches on long and oppressive. 
Namjoon squeezes you harder. 
"No," he says softly, voice trembling, "sweetheart, you have nothing to be sorry for."
"I made you cry," you sob, feeling guilt and sadness fill your lungs until it hurts to breathe.
Namjoon chuckles and sniffles, reaching the top landing of the stairs and turning to the right, toward the only light in the home that is on. He says, "Making someone cry is a side-effect of being in love, I'm afraid," and your heart goes wild behind your ribs, bursting with affection. 
"I've missed you so much," you whimper against Namjoon's skin, and when he leans forward and attempts to put you down onto the bed, you tighten your limbs, clinging to him like a koala.
"Let me set you down so we can get comfortable," Namjoon suggests, and you shake your head, groaning as you hold on tighter. He sighs, and tries, "Come on, I want to see you. I want to kiss you."
Once his attempts are futile, Namjoon gets onto his knees on the bed and bends until you are lying on your back with him towering over you. You finally move your head away from his neck and heavy-blink as you meet his eyes—which are bloodshot and blinking back tears.
"I've missed you too," Namjoon says as he kisses you, soft and sweet and warm. "I'm so sorry for everything that happened. I should have told you about everything, but I was scared to."
Namjoon's kisses are salty and wet, and he trembles above you, gripping the blanket tightly in his fists on either side of your head. Finally, you concede to his need to get comfortable, and you press against his chest, rubbing your fingers over soft black cotton. 
"Hey, lay down," you say softly, pushing a little harder. "You were right, let's get comfortable."
Namjoon sighs through his tears and gets up onto his knees, then crawls over to the pillows and makes a feeble attempt at moving the bright pink and orange floral comforter away. You sit up and help him, then run to the door to close it before adjusting the dimmer switch, lowering the lights just enough so that you can still see him. 
When you turn back to the bed, Namjoon has figured out the comforter, which is bunched up at the end of the against his feet, and he is sitting against the wooden headboard with his hands in his lap, watching you with a soft expression while tear tracks shimmer against his cheeks. He wears a black tee and black joggers, with his legs extended out but one leg bent slightly at the knee, and he is breathtaking—just as you remembered him. Maybe even more so. 
He has gotten a haircut recently, just above his ears, making him look younger. And it is darker; a more natural color. Some time ago—maybe a few days, or maybe a week—Namjoon posted a mirror selfie of the cut, obstructed mostly by his phone, and you are happy to finally see it in person. 
As you get onto the bed, on your knees, Namjoon reaches for you, pulling against the backs of your thighs until you have no choice but to straddle his lap, giggling at his insistence. You settle and drape your wrists over his shoulders to rub your fingertips over the short hairs on his nape while Namjoon's smile oscillates between joy and sadness. 
"I want to tell you I'm sorry," you begin, without giving him a chance to speak. You have been thinking about this every sober waking moment of however much time has passed—and some intoxicated moments, as well—and you feel it is necessary to get it off your chest. Emotions rise as you gather your thoughts, and your next exhale comes out shaky. "I was angry in Paris, but the things I said to you and Yoongi did not come from the heart. I was hurt, and I still am, but…I don't understand addiction. I have no idea what Yoongi must be going through, and I—"
You choke on a sob suddenly as a flash of Yoongi's face comes into view. The hurt way in which he stared ahead, straight through you, while you screamed and cried and demanded to be taken home.
Gently, Namjoon rubs his hands up and down your back, covering you in comforting warmth. His smile is sad, but he does his best to show that he is listening and that he is receptive to what you need to say.
"I just feel so awful," you continue as tears fall. You are so tired of crying and hurting, but it is a necessary step in healing, and you do your best to let it quake through you and settle into your bones. "I love Yoongi. I don't want him to be in pain."
"He knows," Namjoon finally says, but you screw your eyes closed and shake your head. He may have an idea of what you are going through, but he needs to hear from you that you are sorry. You need to tell him, yourself. "Yoongi using again was a bit of a surprise to all of us. Although it is something I always fear may happen again, I really had no idea it would happen like that, especially on vacation."
"When is he coming home?" you ask, feeling hopeful.
"Less than a week," Namjoon responds, smiling sweetly as he lifts his hands to thumb away the tears on your cheeks. "I have cleaned out the mansion, and Jeongguk has made sure the team taking over his responsibilities knows that heroin and other opioids are off limits. Jeongguk was already avoiding selling either in the first place, but he has reiterated that fact, to be on the safe side."
"That day, outside my room, you said there was a package with what looked like heroin," you say, watching as Namjoon's face screws up with worry. You grimace, adding, "I'm sorry I was eavesdropping."
"That…I still don't have all the details ironed out," Namjoon responds sullenly, "but I am certain that Jeongguk had nothing to do with it. Yoongi admitted that he had sent for the package on his own, and it arrived from overseas with a bunch of tailored suits. I don't know how he got a connect in Italy, but I really shouldn't be surprised; Yoongi knows people everywhere."
You nod somewhat listlessly, waiting for the crucial detail where Namjoon tells you he threatened the Italian guy, or found some way to rough him up—whatever the case—in order to keep him from sending Yoongi junk again. But when he does not continue, worry and sadness sink into your tummy like a brick. 
"So…" you begin, heavy-blinking and feeling at a loss for words before settling on, "...how do we make sure he doesn't use again?"
Although Namjoon continues to smile, his eyebrows pinch sympathetically, and he returns to rubbing your back. 
"We just love and support him," he offers, which feels both gigantic and minuscule, all things considered. "We continue to be there for him and…hope that it is enough."
"That's it, huh," you sigh, defeated. 
Silence hangs, and you let your vision blur, attempting to sort out what you could possibly do. What if loving Yoongi is not enough? What if the pressures of his lifestyle only continue to press and press on him until he sinks another needle into his vein, desperate for relief?
"I wish he could just…not do this anymore," you mutter, blinking Namjoon back into focus. "Maybe having all this power and responsibility is too much."
With a sad chuckle, Namjoon nods. "Yeah, well…the only way out of a life like his is death."
Although that is not the response you want, it is the one you expect, and you lean heavily into Namjoon, accepting it for now. There is not much more to say until Yoongi is back. 
"Can we sleep?" you ask, feeling your body become weighted down with exhaustion and warm with a comfort you have not felt in what has seemed like eons. 
"I would love to sleep," Namjoon responds sweetly, releasing you from his hold as you slide down to the bed and begin to reach for the comforter. 
Namjoon gets out of bed to turn off the light, and for a split moment, in the cold, crushing dark, you begin to feel anxiety rush over you. In the cold, crushing dark, you are alone, alone, alone, isolated and heavy and so terribly scared. But then the bed dips, and warmth slides into place beside you. Limbs settle with a familiar weight, and suddenly, the darkness feels and smells like home.
"I love you," you tell the darkness, gasping when lips graze your cheek, your nose, and finally, your mouth. 
"I love you, too," the darkness tells you sweetly as you begin to drift to sleep.
Tonight, you did not get to kiss Namjoon until your lips bruised, but you feel satisfied with the fact that you were able to lighten the burden of heavy sadness just a little. And, in a matter of days, when you have the same conversation with Yoongi, it may not go the same way, but at least the three of you can continue to take steps in the right direction, and that allows you to sink into sleep with a smile on your face. 
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When you wake up alone, your first instinct is to panic. You sit up with a start and check for any sign of Namjoon, but the ensuite door is wide open, and there is no sound coming from inside. The spot where he had slept is cold, and you begin to worry that it was all a dream and that he was never here at all. 
Frantically, you begin to search for your phone, which is not on your bedside table where you usually keep it, feeling the overwhelming urge to cry take over. What happened last night, and why is there no trace of him to be found?
With a deep breath, you close your eyes and run over the events of the night. You came in and changed, then you messaged Namjoon to let him know you were going down to let him in. Vaguely, you remember tossing your phone to the bed, and you begin yanking at your comforter, desperate to find it. 
Your phone must have been wrapped up in the bedding, because after only a moment of tussling and searching, you hear a nice loud thunk against the floor, at the foot of the bed. You let out an exasperated sigh and crawl to the edge, draping your body over the end as you reach and search for the device that has managed to find its way just under the bed frame. 
As soon as it is in your hand, you turn on the screen, eager to find evidence of Namjoon's existence, with your torso suspended in air. As soon as you see a notification from two hours ago, you smile and wiggle backward into a seated position to properly read it.
Namjoon: Hey, sweetheart, I'm so sorry I left while you were still asleep. I tried to wake you, but you were out cold. I'll be visiting Yoongi this afternoon. If you want to come along and you see this before 2 PM, let me know. Otherwise, I hope to talk to you soon. Thank you for letting me in this morning; I slept better than I have in weeks. I love you. 
Although affection blooms brightly in your chest, you feel sadness squeeze you tight, like an old friend. You do want to see Yoongi. You want to see him so badly, it hurts. But you are not sure you want to see him before he comes home. Wherever he is staying, and whatever state he may be in…you are not sure that you are prepared for that. 
It is only 1:45 PM, so you decide to call Namjoon. Not only are you eager to hear his voice once more, but you are not eager to voice what is in your heart over text. 
He picks up on the second ring, sounding a bit winded when he says, "Hey, sweetheart."
"Namjoon," you respond brightly, smiling widely. "Hey, I just woke up and saw your message."
"Ah," he responds, breathing heavily, "what time is it?" After a pause, he shouts, "Oh, shit, Gguk, I gotta go!" 
You laugh as you hear them chatter lowly, then say their goodbyes, imagining how adorable Namjoon becomes when he is frantic—eyes wide and worried while he flails his muscular limbs around somewhat aimlessly. 
"Gguek and I were working out," Namjoon says as you hear the sound of a door open and shut. "Lost track of time."
You smile, nibbling your lip. "Good thing I called."
"Good thing, indeed. So, did you—"
You don't mean to cut Namjoon off, but there is enough of a break between his statements, that you say, "Listen, Namjoon, I'm—" then halt, realizing you had spoken over him.
"Go on," Namjoon urges, and you close your eyes, listening to the sounds of his breathing, of birds singing around him, and of feet walking somewhat frantically down the dirt and gravel path between mansions. 
"I don't think I can go," you finally say, feeling meek and embarrassed as your voice drops and comes out with a tremble. "It's just…I don't know what to expect, and it…it scares me."
Namjoon says nothing for a few moments, and it makes you worry. But then you hear him keying in the passcode to his home and let yourself breathe. He is probably too stressed to be multitasking while in a rush. 
"Can I call you back? Or maybe we can talk about this later?" Namjoon finally asks, and you let out an even deeper sigh in relief. "I don't blame you at all for not wanting to come, but it feels like there is more you need to get off your chest. I have to take the fastest shower of my life, though, so that I can leave soon."
"Yeah, no…yeah. That's…" you stammer, squeezing your eyes closed and allowing yourself to smile while hot tears run from your eyes. Namjoon is so kind and understanding—so caring and giving. Affection burns for him, and you want to hug him so tight and never let him go. "If you want to tell Yoongi that we talked, I think it might make things easier for me later, but do whatever feels right…I don't know."
"I'll tell him what we discussed," Namjoon responds breathily as feet storm up a flight of stairs. "I know it'll make him happy to hear how you are doing, and how you have been handling things. I'm bringing him home in four days, so we can all sit down whenever you feel ready."
Four days is not soon enough, yet it feels like no time at all. Looming and terrifying, yet promising. 
"Okay, sounds good. Thank you, Namjoon."
When Namjoon says, "I love you so much, sweetheart. Thank you for calling," your heart squeezes, and more tears fall, cascading like tiny waterfalls. 
"I love you, Namjoon. Drive safe."
"Will do. Bye."
You mutter, "Bye," but your finger is already pressing the end call button, giving Namjoon all the time and space he needs to get ready. And then you hug your phone tight to your chest and continue to cry. 
Somehow, the happy tears feel thicker and hotter than sad tears—more present and urgent. If Yoongi comes back in four days, that means it has been just over two weeks in Jimin's home. You heavy-blink in an attempt to conceptualize the time, feeling ashamed by how little of it you remember. Briefly, you worry that you may have imposed, but Jimin has never so much as hinted at that fact, so you allow yourself to let the idea go.
It is difficult, at times, to accept the many ways in which you are loved. It feels strange to look back on how you ended up tangled in this web, with these men. Part of you wishes you and Yoongi could start over—meet organically and fall together not because of proximity and a need to cure a deep, aching loneliness that had built over years, but because you simply want to.
But could you simply want to fall in love with the head of a crime syndicate? No, you think. Probably not. 
Still, how do you explain that to someone who asks? I was kidnapped as collateral, but we fell in love feels like a story not too many people would understand. Probably, the average person would ask if you were alright and attempt to help you find refuge. Probably, they would be in their right mind to do so. 
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The next three days drag. Knowing that you will see Yoongi and Namjoon again soon has you a little on edge, but not necessarily in a bad way. Your dancing suffers for it, and you find your movements too stiff, too off-beat; your head and your heart are clouded, and you cannot seem to get your body to do anything. Still, you try. Wasting away drinking at Paradise does not feel like the best way to spend your lonely nights, but you want to wait for Yoongi's return before spending too much time with Namjoon. 
Although the three of you have different bonds and dynamics, you almost feel guilty at the thought of hogging Namjoon to yourself while Yoongi is out healing in the countryside. Despite knowing he would tell you not to worry—to be with Namjoon and keep him company. 
And, part of you thinks of this time as getting your last moments in with Jimin before moving out of his space. You have not voiced it, but you have been going out of your way to spend just a little more time with him after work, before the two of you crash for the morning and sleep, curled up on the couch with whichever anime he feels like playing in the background—currently, Chainsaw Man. 
Jimin is phenomenal company, and you have really enjoyed following him around the house while he cooks, practices impromptu dance moves around furniture, and talks about nothing and everything. Even in quiet, still moments eating ice cream in the glow of the television, you feel the bond that has formed quickly and effortlessly, thankful to have a friend and ally on your side.
Despite the budding friendship, Jimin remains a somewhat secretive person. You have learned that his upbringing was privileged and full of wealth, but his parents were not kind about his desire to chase his own dreams instead of taking over the family business, and they quickly cut him off when he went to school for contemporary dance. It took no time at all for Jimin to wind up houseless, using his beauty to sleep with wealthy men and women for a meal and a warm bed. 
When Yoongi's mother found Jimin on the streets, she took him in with the promise of a better life, but how he came to replace her is unknown. How long Jimin spent on the streets, the kinds of things he saw in that time…all of those details, he hides behind a bright, practiced smile, only given away by the sadness that pours from his beautiful, round eyes. 
"I see myself in you, dove," Jimin says often, usually accompanied by a side hug or a kiss on the cheek. 
And at first, it made you feel strange. Jimin has come so far that maybe, you had originally thought, he sees you as a pet project; someone who needs to be fixed and turned into something beautiful. But now, you know that is not true. You know that Jimin sees persistence and survival; he sees someone imperfect but caring who just needs a little push to understand and figure things out, at times. 
Everything he has, he gained with persistence and survival; nothing was handed to him. Yoongi and his men, and possibly Yoongi's mother, taught Jimin the skills he knows today, that make him who he is. None of them became this successful alone; all seven of them play a crucial role. Eight, now, with you. 
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You feel sentimental tonight when you lean against the bar cradling a glass of whiskey that you have been nursing for the last hour. Tomorrow, Yoongi returns home, and although it has not been voiced aloud, you can tell that the prospect has Jimin and Jeongguk in a better mood. You even spot Seokjin, Hoseok, and Taehyung coming in and out of Paradise, and they all seem chipper. 
Jimin is done up with pink and silver stage makeup, with his eyes and lips bright and shining. He wears his standard black satin top tucked into tight, leather black jeans, and tonight, he has a thick black rhinestone choker around his neck. 
Jeongguk, on the other hand, is pattern-clashing in a way that is both alluring and confusing. As standalone items, his silk, long-sleeve, plunging neckline leopard print shirt, and tight silver and blue floral lurex pants are solid choices. The shirt's neck falls nearly to his navel, showing beautiful topography of his chest—dips and hills of muscle and golden-tanned skin, accentuated by several mismatched gold necklaces; and the pants shine brightly in every light that dares grace his figure, drawing the eye to his muscular thighs and perky, round ass. But they look so strange and mismatched together, you cannot help but question what on earth he was thinking. 
"You sure have a staring problem, tonight," Jeongguk chides as he walks by, sending an inviting wink that makes you laugh far too boisterously.
"Just trying to figure out what you have going on, here," you respond with an incredulous smirk. "Did you get dressed in the dark, Gguk?"
With a roll of his eyes, Jeongguk responds, "Both items are Dolce and Gabbana, but okay."
And, without missing a beat, you say, "Pretty sure Dolce and Gabbana also produce plain clothes that would match better than this. Your black satin shirts would look really good with those pants, and…well, anything else would look good with that shirt."
"I don't expect you to understand fashion," Jeongguk teases, raking his eyes over your form as he takes a step closer. 
"Black, Jeongguk," you say, chin tilted high. "You have a closet full of black that would look phenomenal with both pieces."
With Jeongguk stepping into your personal space, that damned cologne hits you, and you begin to lose your composure. He really is suitable for smelling like a bouquet of wildflowers, especially with the spicy musk underneath; it is perfectly him. 
"I don't expect someone in boring Vuitton rags to appreciate the nuance," Jeongguk teases, voice dropping lower as he towers before you. 
"This dress costs as much as both that shirt and those pants combined," you bicker more quietly than before. The dress you wear tonight is certainly less flattering or flashy than what he wears—a Louis Vuitton brown and black knit mini dress with glitter thread mottling throughout. It has a square, rolled neckline and thin straps, but it hugs your curves nicely, falling mid-thigh. You raise your eyebrow to add, "Boss Min happens to like the way I look in Vuitton rags."
At the mention of Yoongi, Jeongguk softens, and you know you have won this round. Jeongguk scoffs, then slams back the rest of his drink, spinning on his shiny black leather boots before stomping off to where Hyejin and the dancers are congregated behind the main stage, going over something pertaining to the newly installed dance cages on either side of the bar, judging by how she points to them. 
You watch as Jeongguk walks away, allowing your gaze to linger on how those gaudy, silver-blue pants shimmer when they hug his ass, thanking your lucky stars that his silly fashion sense has, at the very least, provided you with a good show. 
When you turn back to the bar, you drink the rest of your whiskey and ask for another. The night is still young; the club has barely just opened and only a few patrons linger during the hours before the dancers take to the stages, but you have a feeling you are going to need to at least have a steady buzz to handle whatever bullshit Jeongguk is on. 
Two hours into your night, you are proven correct during a very flirty conversation with Hyejin about the dance cages—about how she thinks you should make your Paradise debut in one, asking if you would ever let her handcuff you to the bars—when the bartender informs you that the boss would like to see you in his office. 
Jimin seldom calls you to his office, but he is the only one who properly has one, so you head toward the back of the main room, past a security guard, and into a hallway that leads to Jimin's office, the dressing rooms for the dancers, and a meeting room that Hyejin and Jeongguk use when they need to. 
As you make your way to the door, you can hear the sounds of dancers chattering and laughing coming down the hall, and you assume that Jeongguk must be giving them their nightly pep talk in one of the dressing rooms. You knock twice on the office door, then try the handle. To your surprise, when you enter, the room is empty. 
Jimin has allowed you in his space alone plenty of times, so you make your way to have a seat in the leather armchair just in front of his desk. You decide to check your notifications while you wait and pull your phone from a small black purse that is slung over your shoulder.
The door opens and closes behind you, so you put the phone away before you have a chance to turn the screen on. And, instinctively, you stand to greet Jimin, surprised when you turn to find Jeongguk closing in, fast. 
Before you have a chance to speak, Jeongguk has the armchair shoved away, caging you against Jimin's desk, leaning close and low with both of his hands gripping the wooden surface. You practically sit against the edge, doing your best to lean back and away from Jeongguk, but he is a persistent, towering presence, and he wastes no time dragging his lips over your neck, just below your ear, sending a rush of arousal tingling through you at the touch. The scent of his cologne has your senses simultaneously dulled and on high alert.
"Jeongguk," you gasp, attempting to twist away but finding you do not want him to stop. "We can't—"
"I know," Jeongguk responds, voice deep and silky, lips dipping lower, dragging across your throat and leaving only the faintest hint of a spit trail. "Just want to tease you a little; make you squirm."
"Why?" you breathe, leaning back to create more space. 
When Jeongguk does not move, you lift your hands and press against his chest, attempting to push him back, but your palms slide on the silk shirt, and you wind up rubbing over his nipples, feeling metal under the drag of skin, causing Jeongguk to hiss as you gasp. Arousal builds and builds, and you squeeze your tights together, desperate to stave off the effect he has on you; you are, admittedly, touch-starved and somewhat feral. 
"I know you feel it, too," Jeongguk practically groans, still leaning way too close, voice spoken beside your ear. "We have undeniable chemistry."
"Of course I feel it," you respond, closing your eyes in an attempt to get your bearings while your heart pounds dizzyingly fast. 
Jeongguk asks, "Do you know how fucking hard it is to keep my hands off you?" in a tone that almost seems steeped in pain.
"Yes," you mutter softly, nodding shallowly. "I think I do."
With a sigh, Jeongguk finally takes a step back, but he stays close enough that you have to crane your neck; there is no room for you to stand away from the desk. The two of you stare at one another, and then Jeongguk scoffs and shakes his head. 
"Seeing you around so much has been…god, you drive me insane."
You chuckle, though you feel somewhat awkward being faced with his admission. Although, truth be told, being in Jeongguk's proximity so much during the last few weeks has also made you want to see him more and more; you know that, once you return to your normal life, you will come to miss him a lot. Or, perhaps, you can continue spending time at Paradise; there is nothing saying you cannot. 
"Last night, when I dropped you off," Jeongguk says, reaching up to gently cradle your chin in his hand, surprising you with his shift in demeanor, "were you crying?"
Although you glance away to respond, shyness rises, you nod slightly and say, "Yeah."
"Was it something I said?"
Quickly, you nod and return your gaze to Jeongguk, who looks genuinely concerned. "No. I was crying because I was missing Yoongi and Namjoon."
Jeongguk hums, drops his hand away, and takes a step back. 
Suddenly, the silence feels heavy, and you struggle to identify his reaction. He very clearly knows your involvement with both men, so why tense up at the mention of them?
"What's the matter?" you ask, unwilling to let anything weird hang between you. 
Jeongguk shrugs, but his eyes are on the floor, and it is clear that something is bothering him. 
"Jeongguk," you insist.
He sighs, and, without looking at you, says, "It just sucks that when things become normal again with you guys…I just…it's been nice to see you here."
"Ah," you respond. And you get it; it has been great to be around here and see him, Jimin, and Hyejin regularly. 
"But Yoongi will return and demand all your attention—" Jeongguk practically snarls, and you tut your tongue at him, staring incredulously as he balks at the interruption. 
"Yoongi does not demand anything from me," you say, standing up straight now that there is some space between the two of you. You feel defensive, but you can understand where Jeongguk is coming from; you really have not had any independence since moving into the mansion, but part of that is not having any direction or much desire to venture out, finding comfort and safety behind the familiarity of those walls. "Honestly, I have been loving it here. It's nice to leave the house for no occasion and see other people. I consider Hyejin and Jimin friends, and it has been so great having friends again. I don't want to suddenly stop seeing them. Or you."
"Won't you have your hands full with both of your boyfriends?" Jeongguk teases, and you are glad to see his mood has at least somewhat lightened; his smile has returned, even if his gaze remains sad. 
"Oh they definitely know how to keep my hands full," you respond with a wink, watching as Jeongguk's eyes and mouth widen comically. "But it is also nice having some space. Although I hate how all of this came about, I think taking a step back and allowing myself to really miss them and think about the many facets of our relationship has been important. I needed it."
"So I might actually see you from time to time?" Jeongguk asks, stepping close once more, seeming hopeful. It still amuses you when Jeongguk is all soft edges after so much time spent bickering with one another. 
This time, you step in close and rub your palms over his chest, making sure to drag your hands over his pierced nipples, smiling when he shivers beneath your touch. 
"We still have to finish what we started in Hong Kong," you say, voice dropped low and intentionally sultry. "I just haven't wanted to do anything without the others present…we haven't really discussed that, and I would feel too guilty leaving them out."
"I understand," Jeongguk responds, leaning into your touch and surprising you with a very soft, very chaste kiss on the lips before he mutters, "Taehyung will fucking kill me if we do anything without him."
Warmth floods your cheeks, and you drop your hands while taking a step back. Even after such a tiny taste, the urge to kiss Jeongguk is too great to stay in such close proximity. 
"We're going to have an entire audience, huh?" you ask, feeling more turned on by the prospect than shy.
Jeongguk chuckles and says, "Sounds like we will."
It almost feels surreal to discuss the topic of you and Jeongguk having sex so openly. Although you have had enough whiskey to give you a steady buzz, you are still clear-headed enough to spiral just a little over the thought of his body, and having it all to yourself. That is, unless the others want to play, as well; you really have no idea what to expect, and you are not certain you would deny them if they wanted to.
As you search for a way to end this conversation and return to the main bar before someone begins to notice the two of you are missing, Jimin comes barging in with his brows knit. Although you have done nothing wrong, there is a split moment of panic over how this may look, with the two of you in Jimin's office alone. 
But he simply glances between you and Jeongguk, huffs out a sigh, and says, "Oh, thank god. I was hoping to find you two in here."
"What's up?" Jeongguk asks, and you straighten out, worried that something may be wrong. 
"One of the regulars came in piss drunk and started harassing Hyejin. He groped her ass and when she slapped him, he got in her face. Security was able to intervene, but I need you to take him out back and fuck him up. Let him know shit like that doesn't fly at Boss Min's lovely establishment." 
Anger spikes heavily in your chest, and when Jimin turns to you and adds, "Dove, if you don't mind, I think she could use a friend," you nod, determined to do whatever it takes to make Hyejin feel safe. 
"On it," you say, walking past the men, down the short hallway, and out into the bar. 
Loud R&B music with a quick, enticing trap beat plays, and you stomp in your overpriced patent leather chelsea boots to the beat, storming into the main bar room like you own the joint and scanning the room for your girl. 
Standing at the main bar with her arms pulled tightly over her chest, is Hyejin surrounded by dancers. As soon as you approach, a girl who goes by Lily backs up and opens her arm wide to welcome you into the space. Hyejin is shaking when you drape your arm around her, hugging it loosely across her chest.
"Hey, beautiful," you say, and she turns and melts into you, throwing her arms over your shoulders and letting out a deep sigh. "Want to go out back and have a smoke?"
Hyejin hugs you tight and shakes her head, and you rub your hands over her back, waiting for her response. The dancers begin trickling out, having to get ready to perform, leaving pats on your and Hyejin's backs and soft words of support and encouragement. Once there is more space for her to breathe, Hyejin stands up straight and lets out another deep breath.
She is not crying, though her eyes are red, and when she looks at you with a frown, you gently place your hands at her temples and thumb at the smudged mascara under her eyes before muttering, "Perfect," with a grin. 
"I hate men," Hyejin says with a fake snarl, and you roll your eyes and nod dramatically, making her giggle. 
"Wanna talk about it?" you ask, and Hyejin shakes her head and says, "No. I want to dance."
Sitting on the bar is a half-empty pint of something bright blue, and Hyejin chugs it back, then leaves the empty glass behind and takes your hand, dragging you to one of the dance cages. The floor of the cage is raised about three feet from the ground and is a glowing octagon of rainbow color. Hyejin, wearing only a black satin bodysuit with lace trim and black stiletto heels, walks around to the back of the cage, closest to the nearby wall, and opens a door that blends in with the bars, then she takes a step up and hoists herself onto the platform. 
You follow behind and step up and into the cage, moving to the other side of the space to allow Hyejin to close the door. Although you are no stranger to dancing in sight of others, being in an elevated cage has your nerves spiked, and you wish you had taken a shot or three at the bar before agreeing to follow her. 
Hyejin wastes no time closing in on you with her fists around bars on either side of your head, and she holds on as she drops her hips low and swishes back up, all the while keeping her eyes on you. You sway to the beat with slower movements than the ones you watch Hyejin make, feeling entranced by her beauty and struggling to actually move the way she does. 
"Are you shy?" she asks with a raise of her eyebrow, and you chuckle, letting go of some of your anxiety while you nod and mutter, "A little."
Hyejin spins with her arms still lifted, and wraps them over your shoulders, then dips down again, rubbing her ass against your thighs before standing up straight. You realize too late that you are frozen in place with your arms somewhat bent, like a Barbie doll, and Hyejin turns and immediately starts to laugh, bending and flinging her hair in front of her face. 
"I'm not apologizing for who I am," you whine as you join her in laughing, feeling embarrassed by your inability to act like a normal person around her. 
"I would never dream of asking you to," Hyejin says as she leans back against the bars across from you, swaying her hips with an amused grin. "But it is very cute how flustered you get."
You roll your eyes and smile, glad to at least be considered cute. Flirting and being flirted with is hardly an issue, and you would probably relax more around her if things were not so uncertain at the moment, in your love life. You are sure Yoongi and Namjoon would not mind, but it is a conversation you would like to have before you allow yourself to get carried away. 
Or, perhaps, there is nothing to allow. Probably, there is no way in which things could get carried away, but you are once again spiraling because Jeongguk has gotten under your skin. With a deep inhale, you remind yourself that Hyejin is likely just being friendly and that you are allowed to relax and have fun with her. 
So have fun, you do. The song changes to something with more of a club beat, and Hyejin begins to pump her hands in front of her chest while shaking her ass in overexaggerated movements, gyrating in a chaotic circle. With your hands pulled over your head, you begin doing some wiggle-shake move creating waves all the way down to your legs, laughing as Hyejin throws her hands over her head in an attempt to do the same. 
"What do you call this one?" She shouts over the music, and you shake your head and say, "I don't know! The overcooked noodle?" 
Hyejin practically throws her body against yours with laughter, and you trip backward, catching yourself with a hand on one of the bars to lessen your collision. There are definitely patrons behind you who have a view of whatever it is the two of you are doing, and you try not to feel too embarrassed. 
"Yah," Jeongguk calls, making you attempt to turn around, trapped in place by a hysterical Hyejin. He rounds the platform enough to come into view and grabs onto two of the bars as he teasingly says, "You girls are gonna scare away the customers."
You raise one hand toward him as if threatening to strike him, shouting, "Oh, shut u—" but the word dies as soon as your eyes fall to Jeongguk's knuckles, which are scraped and bloodied. 
"Jeongguk, what the fuck?" you ask, reaching for the nearest hand, which he slides away. 
Hyejin stands alert, then squats to be at eye-level with Jeongguk, and you fully turn, checking to make sure he has no other cuts or bruises, glad that he seems otherwise perfectly fine. 
"Relax," Jeongguk grumbles, tonguing the inside of his mouth while he cracks the knuckles of one fist against his palm, then switches to the other side. "This is nothing; scuff marks. That guy didn't land a single punch before he was lights out."
You sigh but accept that there is nothing you would be able to do to convince Jeongguk not to fuck someone up. It is, after all, something he has likely been trained to do and is celebrated for within the ranks of the family. Still, you hate to see his pretty hands bloodied. 
"Well, you know I don't condone violence," Hyejin says, reaching her hands between two bars, smiling when Jeongguk steps closer and allows her to grab onto his wrists. "But I really appreciate you sticking up for me."
"Of course," Jeongguk grumbles, smiling the soft smile that he does when he is attempting to hide the sweetness that festers inside him, threatening to burst. Cute. 
With a sigh, Hyejin lifts the wrist that Jeongguk wears his watch on, yanking it close while tilting her head to get a look. "I should go tend to the girls," she grumbles, releasing Jeongguk and standing to give you a kiss on the cheek.
You follow Hyejin's movements, watching which bars are part of the door, nervous that they blend in well enough and that you could be trapped in this cage for the rest of eternity, then you turn back to Jeongguk, who has two hands on two bars, and is staring up at you. 
"So," he says, stretching himself tall to speak to you, arching his back and tipping his chin upward. "I was wondering…"
Since you are already in the cage, and Jeongguk had already been a menace to your health and well-being earlier, you decide to take a page out of Hyejin's book and swish your body in an inviting wave as you squat, dragging your hands down the bars but keeping them lifted above your head. 
Jeongguk visibly swallows, losing what he was just in the process of saying, and you watch as his eyes trail to where your short skirt hugs your thighs, undoubtedly giving him a view of the black panties you wear underneath. And although you do not mind letting Jeongguk sneak a peek, you are glad that the lights are fairly dim in the club.
"What was that?" you ask, tilting your head to the side and giving a look that feigns innocence. 
The expression on Jeongguk's face flashes comically from needy to pained to frustrated, and he huffs out a sigh, shaking his head as if trying to rattle his thoughts free.
 "What I was going to say before you so rudely interrupted me, is that we should have dinner soon."
Jeongguk's offer takes a moment to compute, and you stare at him, heavy-blinking, trying to determine whether he is asking you on a date, or if we means more than just the two of you. 
"We, as in…"
"You, me, and our men."
"Ah," you respond; that makes sense. "Yeah, we should. That would be fun."
Jeongguk nods, letting his gaze fall once more to your legs before drifting slowly back to your face. "I'll talk to Taehyungah. Perhaps he can host, and I'll cook."
With an incredulous raise of your brow you ask, "Oh, you cook?" in a mocking tone of sheer disbelief. 
Jeongguk reaches up and holds his hands over yours, gripping firmly while he leans in, head between the bars and close. From here, you smell his cologne; from here you resist the urge to lean in close and kiss him. 
"I happen to be an excellent cook, dollface."
"Is that so?" you ask, voice much less confident than a moment ago.
"That is so," Jeongguk says, then he leans in somehow even closer, making your head spin. "So, it's a date?"
"Yeah," you respond, feeling your heart go wild behind your ribs. "It's a date."
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What you did to me made me see the world differently Mis lágrimas se secan solos, solos Pues mírame a los ojos Dime si ves el vacío que deja amor perdido Yo no duermo hasta que mis sueño' están cumplidos Sé que estoy perdiendo, pero el juеgo no ha concluido
🎵 visit the playlist
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ahhhh!!! how are we feeling??? i presonally really love this chapter. the next one containing the promised smut™ is coming very, very soon!!!! i promise. i was sad to leave Yoongi out of this chapter, and it was not my intention to have a full chapter without him, but it made sense to split the mega chapter this way, and it felt wrong to rush him back without mc taking time to sort her thoughts out and attempt to gain some independence.
thank you for reading!!! 💜💜💜 reblogs and comments make the world go 'round, and likes are nice too!!!
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hourglassfish · 1 year ago
On Season 1, Episode 7 : Part Two : I Know You’ll Be Listening: Marcus, McDonalds and Freedom
Gonna talk about my fave episode! Sheridan. It’s got some of my favourite music in it – and there’s a catching of breath after lots and lots of change, which gives you time to see characters relax, and have them show you who they are when not in a crisis, to hear them reflect a little, and to get sense of who they might want to be, and where they’ve come from.
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It also develops the triangle of Marcus / Sydney / Carmy. Now when I say triangle here, I’m not talking about a love corner! This is a sydcarmy safe space, but I am interested in their work dynamics! Some of the most beautiful moments of the entire season happen when these three are in flow together, and they are united by food as artistic expression.
They are unique in this.  Tina is more skill focused and analytic – Science Baby! – she likes upskilling, her game improving, doing things the right way. Sweeps is about his money, when they budget for the restaurant he immediately backs Tina up about their pay ‘she’s right about that Jefferson’, and he sits with Nat and Richie post apology, doubling down on the fact the restaurant needs to work, that all the workers are invested in that. Ebra’s relationship with food is a tangible connection to home – he cooks Suqaar, his memories of Somalia are never far from his dialogue. It roots him in two places at the same time, a delicate dance that all immigrants are constantly learning, re learning and revising the steps to. Richie’s relationship with food is concerned with people, place and tradition – beef has been cooked here like this since before you were born, people loved the spaghetti and you can’t get the recipe, a very clear sense of hot dogs NOT coming with ketchup (which is very Chicago, if I recall correctly).
But for these three? It’s a practice of freedom. At it's best, that's what creative expression is, it's freedom, and its why we fight for it so very hard. Let's get into it.
The episode starts with the building literally falling down around their ears – gas, electricity, plumbing – it’s all out. Look at Syd and Marcus's faces when the toilet blows up, I love it when these two react to something together -
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Even within that, we see pops of joy for all of them – Marcus enthusiastically enthusing about his book, Sydney gently pitching a new dish, Carmy teaching – tape, roasted onions, his mom’s chicken.
When the fuse blows, Carmy is in the middle of dealing with the ghosts of the Beef – drug deals and the spectre of financial ruin, Covid and his own absence, addiction and Michael, Michael, Michael. Marcus is frantically trying to catch up with work, having gotten a little lost in his donuts (Carmy warns him about this repeatedly, he’s permissive, but he can see it’s becoming a problem). Sydney is my perfect daughter who never does anything wrong (HAH) so she is innocuously cooking a risotto which will lead to big problems later.
But it dictates where they all go in this next episode – Carmy is back enmeshed with his family, and in problem solving mode, so off he goes to Nat’s with Richie to be called a soft shitty bitch (😭 he does get a hug for going Al anon though). Marcus messes up, sulks a little, then is pulled back in (he’s deeply sensitive, and as we learn from season 2 and all he is carrying with his mum, vulnerable. He’s maybe the youngest team member?). But Sydney stays in her flow state, and it enhances her work, opens her creativity, and keeps her focused.
Sheridan clearly meant so much to her. She lost everything, and still lives surrounded by the boxes of it. One of the most poignant moments of her season comes when she stokes the fire for their makeshift post-gas, post-electricity BBQ and for a moment flashes back to some gorgeous prawns, cooking on a similar fire. She looks like she’s about to cry. When she serves food to people who she can see eat and enjoy it later that episode, we see her biggest grin – we won’t see her grin that big again until Sugar calls her a genius in Omelette. So much of being a line cook is being in a kitchen, alienated from your labour separated from the joy that what you’recooking brings to those who are eating it. The praise and enjoyment of what she’s created is a big motivator for her, as it would be for anyone, and this  goes someway to explaining why she doesn’t want a dish she thinks is delicious (should have given Carm the one with the ribbon of brine babes) to not be eaten by someone.
If we hop back across to Marcus in this episode, we get some of Carmy being an excellent boss (that’s my boy!!!) – his conversation with Marcus (who appears to just be moping outside while the others work… young man get it together) is really beautiful. He’s curious. Not only does he ask him how he is, he really listens when Marcus talks about McDonalds, gets down on his level, does his very intense staring thing: he wants to understand where Marcus is coming from. He resists narratives of blame and fault – the job’s insane and  fuck ups happen. But he is also clear about the bottom line (you gotta stay ahead of your work, that’s just that). He doubles down on the moment of empathy and connection by sharing a story of his own failures after a huge success. Marcus goes back to work with a huge grin on his face. For me, it’s as beautiful and important a conversation as the talk between Syd and Carmy in Brigade, another affirmation that The Beef can be different from all the other places they’ve been at.
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This episode has a really beautiful symmetry to its narrative structure, so we later return to the three of them in the kitchen – Marcus quietly labelling up his eggs, with the neat lines Carmy favours (Wilco sings ‘I know you’ll be listening’), and Carmy and Syd cooking together (that prawn stock business looked wild delicious) and really talking and listening.
I used to work at a purveyor of moderately priced soaps. And the soaps are quite hippyish, but their business model is not, and it always felt like a contradiction, until I met their owners, who spoke about their business going bust in the 90s. They’re a huge global brand now, but losing that small, postal based service was clearly something that they carried with them, decades later. It is, like any grief, something that informs many of their decisions, for better or worse, especially because they parted ways with another brand where they felt stifled, to set up their own thing, centring their values. I think about them a lot when I think about Syd, and my own business.
It is not lost on me that Syd talks here about money – getting too big too fast, fucked credit,  bad decisions. The bad credit especially sticks with me, because that shit traps you. Makes renting, or making significant purchases hard, makes starting another business impossible – a bunch of doors shut and they don’t reopen for years, and you are reminded of it constantly. It puts all her creativity in a box – the same way that the mechanical efficiency of Mc Donald’s inhibits what we are to learn is a prodigious talent in Marcus, out of sight. That failure is always there for her, and I think it’s why she is so quick to look at where the Bear is haemorrhaging money and want to find solutions. There is a chance here. She grabs it. She will give all her learning in exchange for that outlet.
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The moment when Syd says ‘it was the first time I didn’t have a complete and utter psychopath behind me screaming and pushing and yelling’ and then they cut to Carm stood behind her is SO MEAN, it makes me CHORTLE every time, girl he’s RIGHT THERE! I know they were laughing in the edit when they put this bit together.
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When she speaks about her failure, his response is ‘Heard’ – I don’t think he really knows how to respond – like… has  Carmy ever failed? Syd’s face does a weird little thing when he says that. Heard. Listened? Does he really get the depth of loss for her? Has he ever experienced that kind of freedom in a kitchen? Cus if he hasn’t maybe he can’t really understand what it is to lose it. Maybe you can’t know that loss util you experience it. Carmy always knew The Beef was there. Was always trying to get back to it, had it as a north star. But Sydney built her own and then lost it, and it was her own fault*.
That being said, she does still ask him for help in this scene. It’s a clear progression in her letting her walls down after the veal stock fiasco of Brigade. Wilco comes in again –
This is what love is for To be out of place Gorgeous and alone Face to face With no larger problems That need to be erased Nothing more important Than to know someone's listening Now, I know you'll be listening
– these three have connected here, and are starting to build the bonds that are going to send Marcus on Carmy’s pilgrimage to Copenhagen. The Michael starts in this quiet moment.
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But listening - hearing, retaining, actioning, bearing it all in mind - is the centre of this bond, and it fractures quickly when they stop doing that. They're still getting to know each other. Relationships in their infancy.
I think these moments – this episode – are important when we think about what happens in Episode 7, who quits and why. Not only are these the two newest recruits to the Bear, they’re also the two with the least connection to Michael, and emotional relationships with Carmy that are not haunted by his ghost. They’ve been Carmy’s quickest and most loyal supporters up until this point, and there is a clear sense of betrayal communicated during Review from all three. It feels like there was a shared understanding that Marcus’s creativity would be appreciated (that’s why he puts so very much into it) - that it would be different. But when he achieves his goal, one he has slept on the floor of The Beef for, it is met with aggression and destruction. There was an understanding that Syd walked away from kitchens because of the shouting pyscho, and Carmy is the only reason she has walked back. But it's a hard boundary for her, and Carmy regresses to that in a crisis. Carm has invested a lot of trust in these two, and feels betrayed, personally (why are you fucking with me x 4) by Marcus’s perceived lack of focus (he warned him) during said crisis and by risotto gate, as well as Syd’s leaving (what are you doing x4).
The Beef is not just a job for any of the characters, they all really care about it – but there is something specific about creative expression – the way in which it is the movement of the universe through you as a vessel, its uniquely human quality, the way it leaves shards of your soul littered throughout the world that is very specific, and I think Syd and Marcus both feel punished for their creativity here, but, more importantly, they both know it’s worth – and that’s a huge part of why they leave. They are giving more than labour, and they value it accordingly. As they should. I will keep saying it, again and again - I am glad they both leave, that they reject dysfunction and abuse. More importantly, I am glad that the show supports their decision - we don't see them apologise to Carmen because the writers frame his behaviour as not OK, in numerous ways. This framing is a part of the optimism The Bear, this belief that things can - and should - be better for it's workers.
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It is not lost on me that the same people that wrote this episode are now on strike, and come from another industry that we know to be riddled with abuses. Some of us (me) know this from experience.
We should talk about risotto next.
This is part of a five part series! You can find the rest here:
Expect More: Syd and Carmy's relationship,
I know you'll be listening: Marcus, McDonald's and Freedom
Hiring New Fucking Broads: Syd, Richie and conflict;
"That's Not You" The Moment Syd Walks Out
*in hindsight, this scene is a paralell to the moment in Pasta when they speak about the Michelin star call at Carmy's place. I think Sydney hears Carmy's dread, but I'm not convinced she's really listening, or connecting that with his 'trapped' from the previous episode's business pitch to Jimmy. These two, eh? It's not their fault they're in a TV show, but I wish they'd ask more follow up questions.
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the-roo-too · 2 years ago
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candy -> bae jinsol ver
aka the fluff alphabet
admiration (what does she absolutely adore about you)- she knows that dating in the industry is hard for both parties, so jinsol really admires your dedication to her. you’ve been through a couple ups and downs with her company, yet you’re still here with her <33
body (what’s her favourite body part of yours)- i feel like she’s another hands person. if she ever wants to doddle, she loves to practice hands with you as her model :(( saw the pic, painter bae? you’re her muse 100%
cuddling (how she likes to cuddle)- to sleep, in the sense that you mostly cuddle while sleeping. not that any of you mind, it’s like a little treat reserved for the nighttime
dates (what’s her ideal date)- ooh, she totally wants you to paint her! if you’re a bad painter, it’s fine. she’ll love everything (will also force haewon to hang it up in the dorm)
emotions (how does she express her emotions around you)- bae is goofy and i stand by that. she tries to keep the atmosphere with you chill and nice, a very loveable girl. pls tell her you love her a lot <3
family (does she want one)- you’re both young, i think she’d prefer to go watch fishies swimming than talking about how many kids you want in life
holding hands (does she like to hold hands)- Y E S!!,;!!:!:!: walk with her and swing your hands 🤭🤭🤭 jinsol’s smitten with you. rub her hand lightly and she’s all yours
injuries (what would she do if you got hurt)- will freeze, bae.exe stopped working. my girl gets confused. if you get badly injured, she keeps her cool and tries her best, but if you’re calling a paper cut a big injury, she’ll tease you and treat you like a child </3
jokes (does she like to joke around)- bae? joking? OF COURSE. she’s the goofiest silliest girl you’ll meet. she’s the queen of bad pick up lines and one liners
kisses (how does she like to kiss you)- loudly, if that makes sense. like loud embarrassing smooches <33
love (what’s her love language)- picking on you 👹 you’re shorter because god said so and she’s gonna take advantage of that in a very loveable way </3 she’s the one to hide the tea bags on the highest shelf but she’s also the one to help you reach for the books at the top of the cupboard
memory (what’s her favourite memory together)- none but all at the same time. she cherishes every second with you and i don’t think if you asked her, she could name some specific moment that’s her favourite. if she had to answer, she’d say something different every time 😭
nighttime (how does sleeping with her look like)- as said before, you cuddle at night. there’s not much to add, but i feel like she’s the one to fall asleep first. bae might even try to stay up with you but she passes out after a couple minutes 😭
oddity (what’s a quirky thing about her)- you could consider the picking on you a bit odd i guess? i mean it’s jinsol, she’s quirky by herself. there ain’t much to add
pet names (what does she like to call you)- she’s bae so baby and all that is kinda taken already, but she comes up with all the creative names. scrunkly wunkly is definitely one, that’s totally your name in her phone
quality time (how does she like to spend time with you)- p a i n t w i t h h e r. bae is a hobby artist she told me herself. girl doesn’t care if you can only draw stickmans 😭 just draw with her :((
rush (does she rush into things)- yes. you want to see a movie? okay she bought tickets, it’s starting in 15 minutes. wanna learn a new language? she bought duolingo and is having beef with the green owl
secrets (how open is she with you)- secrets? what are those? she’s spilling everything. you both have so much dirt on jyp by now 😭
time (how long did it take for her to confess)- oh, you think she was the one confessing? my girl was terrified 😺 she legit got kyujin to tell you she likes you 😭
upset (what’s her reaction when you’re upset)- let’s say she teased you too hard with the height thingy 💔 jinsol will get down on her knees lower than super junior is and will start apologising :((
visibility (is she afraid of the public opinion)- no. not a single bone in that body that cares about what people think of you two. they’re happy and supportive? wow, lily did it better. they’re mean? wow, jyp also was, then she turned off his auto tune.
warrior (how often do you fight)- you fight when she teases you too much. that’s it. what else would you fight about? her goofy hats? in conclusion, y’all almost never argue
x-ray (is she able to read you)- yes, 100%. question is, are you able to ready her? 🤨 (the answer is, sometimes 😭)
yes (how would she propose to you)- she’s 10, no marriage for y’all 🤨 she has her plans tho
zen (what makes her feel calm)- painting. i’m done. she likes to pain. deal with it <3
part of [the fluff series]
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sunstonespells · 21 days ago
hello. i am still here. being a mother is weird. i forget my personhood for sometimes many months at a time, but i feel much more solid and stable in my foundations now than i have in quite some time. our family has recently started rock climbing (i have personally been to the rock climbing gym six times in the past two weeks, in different combinations with my partner, my kids, my brother-in-law, and my friends.) it's done wonders for our mental and physical health and our connections with each other. these days, i am very into playing the sims 4 and the pokemon trading card mobile game. i now own every sims 4 kit/stuff pack/game pack/expansion pack and have dedicated a lot of time to learning the game, lore, franchise, and community. hopefully, in this upcoming year, i'll be able to start streaming again and creating content. i'm also very into football (go ravens!), and i've been learning fantasy football over the past two years. my kids are amazing. the oldest is edgy, determined, competitive, and strong. she's amazing at drawing and roller blading. she currently has the flu, which stinks, but she turns 8 next month, and she only keeps getting cooler and more impressive. the five-year-old is all girly princess energy, she loves singing and dancing and playing with dolls and dressing up. my son atlas is two and a half now, and he's a little language delayed and is a very picky/delayed eater, but he's been in occupational therapy for about six months and he's made so much progress, it's amazing. he can say a ton of new words, count to 20, count backwards from 10, name the rainbow colors, name some body parts, and he loves singing along to doggyland by snoop dogg or yo gabba gabba. he climbs absolutely everything, he loves building, and he's had some pretty scary accidents (like getting a stitch in his forehead after tripping, which was very traumatizing or us both) but he's the happiest, sweetest, funniest little thing. he loves pillows, playing with instruments, and carrying big sticks. our four year anniversary is in three days. we now live in a cute house in the suburbs, which we decorated for christmas for the first time. my mother-in-law and brother-in-law live with us, and we've been doing more family activities together (shopping and going out to eat with mom, attending temple with her for lunar new years and other events) as well as visiting with my own family more. johnny really likes his job at REI and the culture of the company and the lifestyle changes we've been making since he joined the company. things have also been tough. we've had financial setbacks, car troubles (and losses), unexpected changes in plans, growing pains, and some tragedies. my mom, who is a pig breeder/farmer, developed the alpha-gal allergy and is now allergic to mammalian products, so she can't have pork or beef, and now has to pivot the business she's built over the past decade because of her illness. my best friend of nearly 20 years is terminally ill, and i have an open gofundme if anyone is interested in or able to help with her medical fund, as she's also going through a divorce and has accrued exponential expenses. but i'm still here. still growing, still being a nerd, still fighting the good fight and all of that. in january, i'll be at MAGFest. last year, we were concert security and had a good time, but this year we get to explore new roles in the music division so johnny will be managing the rehearsal room and i'm going to be an artist liaison. really looking forward to this annual time with our friends.
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lone-pylon · 26 days ago
Hi, I think your ocs are super duper cool, having looked at them, and I’d be really interested in knowing their lore n stuff 👁️👁️
I know how it is with being an oc artist, I mainly only post art of my little guys, and I barely get any notes, with tags being a rarity that I will genuinely get overexcited about, haha
So, yeah, feel free to yap all you want 👁️👁️
Also, Matrix in particular is super duper cool
Aww thank you so much!! I appreciate the reblogs! ^v^ I want to make dedicated Yap Posts about them eventually once I make a bit more art, but uhhh yeah these guys are all from a series of books I've been writing since 2014 (which is currently in its 4th revision):
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The story takes place on a fictional planet that, generations prior, was invaded by Earth's 1% as they attempted to escape to a world that they could dominate and, in turn, create their "perfect utopia" of other one-percenters (this ofc backfired very badly).
The MC, Aami (buzz cut), is a native extraterrestrial of this planet, who was imprisoned for killing several mafia grunts (she's unaware that the prison is owned by a tech company using her for free labor and product testing, and the CEO is a high-ranking member of that same mafia). The secondary MC, Greg (white-haired cyborg), is a part-time warden at the prison she's held in. He's employed by the tech company, and wants out. He's got a few secrets of his own.
After escaping from the prison with help from an outside vigilante group, Aami reluctantly agrees to travel with Greg as they work together to survive now that there are targets on their backs.
During their travels, new information starts coming to light about the tech company, their involvement with the mafia, and the classified project happening behind closed doors. Matrix (blue eyes) is the company's hired gun. He's my favorite to draw, if it wasn't obvious already lol. He also has some of the best dialogue in the books because he's smarmy and full of rude quips, and I love exploring his interactions with the other characters who hate his guts. Everybody Hates Matrix. Dr. Roark (glasses) I think is my favorite character in the narrative. He's the guy who nobody has beef with ever. Even Aami, who has beef with everyone. Everybody Loves Roark.
Overall it's meant to be very sweet with Aami learning how to better herself through vulnerability and finding support in others despite the circumstances, while also harrowing as the crew tries to grapple with this unfathomably powerful scheme. A lot of the story focuses on character relationships. Particularly fleeting kindnesses, the kind that remind you that the world is not all a terrible place. It's a story I've worked very, very hard on. I spent many an hour between classes at the university library writing this series while also working on my degree (which involved a LOT of writing too). I'm really hoping I can get it out there soon because my imposter syndrome really do be having me in a choke hold ;v;
You can find some more info about them on my Toyhouse! I update their bios every so often to fit better with the current canon (which is changing slightly with the new revision)
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leverage-ot3 · 1 year ago
I was tagged by my buddy and old siren (freeform) mutual @imaginejolls for this ask game!
Star Sign(s): Sagittarius sun, Aquarius moon, Capricorn rising
Favorite Holidays: halloween :3
Last Meal: my mom's cajun beef stew with rice pilaf and a roll
Current Favorite Musician: I've been listening to a lot of noah kahan recently (vermont represent), but I also adore hozier, gracie abrams, lizzie mcalpine, phoebe bridgers, etc. I've never been the same since I was told my taste in music was yallternative. I also love lil nas x and found a new musician through tiktok that goes by brye that is really good
Last Music Listened To: the playlist I listen to the most, especially for sleep: immaculate fall vibes (technically the name of the playlist is just a bunch of the artists featured in it but the description is immaculate fall vibes). my most recent song was save me by noah kahan
Last Movie Watched: this is so embarrasing but I watched the meg with my dad yesterday lmao. I have a weakness for stupid monster movies (we used to watch the shittiest syfy movies together when I was in hs. the shittier the better). I thought he'd like it because jason statham but he was meh about it
Last TV Show Watched: last one I was invested in was the new episode of percy jackson, but I did watch a little bit of that polish show high water on netflix the other day which seemed interesting
Last Book/Fic Finished: god I actually haven't been reading fic for a hot minute which is really surprising. probably my reread of of the northmost winds and skies by @jjackfrost. wasn't in the crossover fandom until earlier this year but actually adore that pairing. this is now my comfort longfic (+400k). it's so good, I read it and I wasn't even in the fandom at the time and it was amazing!!! all the characters are written so well, the voices and pov are great, the worldbuilding and storyling is amazing! I've gushed in the comments before but ugh I love it so so much. inject this into my mf veins
Last Book/Fic Abandoned: I don't really abandon fics, I just wait for them to get updated again. as for books, I really tried to get into loveless by alice oseman because aroace rep but I couldn't really get into it :/
Currently Reading: nothing at the moment (not going to list all the fics I'm waiting for updates for because I can't remember them all and the ones I can remember would take up like multiple pages lol)
Last Thing Researched for Art/Writing/Hyperfixation: ooo this is hard. technically speaking I've been hyperfixated on playing animal crossing so the most recent thing I looked up for that was what treasure islands were lmao
Favorite Online Fandom Memory: oooo I'm not sure actually? I really love having mutuals even if we don't talk. I also really enjoy when people engage with my posts and appreciate my tags and aus. I like sharing my thoughts and ideas with you guys and it's so heartwarming and validating when y'all enjoy it right back
Favorite Old Fandom You Wish Would Drag You Back In/Have A Resurgence: I agree with jolly, I miss siren dearly. can they just do a leverage in like five years and retcon the last season? thanks
Favorite Thing You Enjoy That Never Had an Active or Big "Fandom" but You Wish It Did: probably some of the kdramas I've watched. I adored the guest on netflix but there's no fandom. I really REALLY wanted some fix-it fics for the ending of my name but there weren't any because the fandom was too small :(
Tempting Project You're Trying to Rein In/Don't Have Time For: so many things that I jump between (the adhd of it all lmao). I really would like to make a leverage ot3: are they queer video essay and I have some stuff typed up BUT I work in the healthcare field and I'm really hesitant of putting myself on video because when you work in this field it can be weird if clients or employers find your channel. so that's technically on hold for privacy reasons rn. I also really want to learn how to sew and make clothes and my roommate has even offered to help (they used to do competitive cosplay) but I'm just very unmotivated. I want to get back into witchy things but don't have the mental energy to invest in that other than appreciating my stones
tagging 10 moots but anyone can play!!!: @leverageclips @all-things-breathing @digitaldiscipline @peachyteabuck @vampirewalterskinner @buzzmcnab @sidras-tak @my-beloved-lakes @kajaono @suddenrundown
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taylor-on-your-dash · 1 year ago
11 Questions With Taylor Swift (The Boot - Nov 5, 2007)
At the ripe old age of 17, Taylor Swift is already in the country music history books. She's the only female solo artist ever to write or co-write every song on a platinum-selling debut album. And though the songwriting prodigy is hard at work on her second album, she isn't quite ready to put the CD that's earned her numerous accolades to rest. Swift recently sat down with us to talk about beefing up her eponymous debut. And in true teenage fashion, we also gab about boys, high school drama and how she helped her buddy Kellie Pickler through a tough breakup.
Tell us what's included on the new 'Taylor Swift [Deluxe Edition]' project.
The album has been out for a year, but it's too early to put out the second studio album. But we wanted to give [the fans] more music. So this was an opportunity to put out three new songs and a bunch of exclusive content. I actually edited a home movie on my laptop, and it's on there as a special feature. There's my first phone conversation with Tim McGraw, all my music videos and a bunch of concert footage. The [new] songs are demos that I wrote when I was 15, trying to get a record deal. (x)
Is there a true story behind your current single, 'Our Song'?
I wrote this song in my freshman year of high school for my ninth grade talent show. I was sitting there thinking, "I've gotta write an upbeat song that's gonna relate to everyone." And at that time, I was dating a guy and we didn't have a song. So I wrote us one, and I played it at the show. Months later, people would come up to me and say, "I loved that song that you played." And then they'd start singing lines of it back to me. They'd only heard it once, so I thought, "There must be something here!" (x)
You've toured with some notorious pranksters, namely Rascal Flatts and Brad Paisley. What's the funniest joke that's been played on you?
Brad Paisley hasn't pranked me yet ... because he's afraid of me. [laughs] But Rascal Flatts had all of their crew take fold-out chairs and just sit on the stage during my performance. So there were eight guys, just sitting on stage reading the newspaper. And I'm playing right next to their faces, kinda hamming it up, trying to intimidate them. And I look in the newspapers they're reading, and there are Chippendales models in the newspapers! [laughs] (x)
We hear you wrote a song with Kellie Pickler for her next album.
Kellie came on my bus this summer and was all upset about her ex-boyfriend. She was like, "I just want to be over this!" And she gets up on stage now and tells everyone all about it. She's like [imitating Kellie], "He went out and got some other girl pregnant!" [laughs] And I'm like, "OK, if you want to tell everyone your personal stuff, but there's no better way to get over something than to write it all down." So we went into the back bedroom of my tour bus and wrote this awesome song. It's about how, for the rest of his life, he's going to regret cheating on her. And she's said to me since then, "You know what, I didn't think there was anything I could do to really get past that. But writing that song gave me complete closure." (x)
Is there anything you miss about high school?
I don't think there's really anything I miss, to be honest. There's a lot less drama when you're touring the country on a major tour. And I've actually been to prom before ... twice. So I don't want anyone to feel bad for me. It was really great that I got to experience those first two years of high school, and I'll never forget that. I learned a lot. But I feel like I've had the best senior year ever. (x)
How would you say your young age has helped you and how has it hurt you in the music business?
I think my age has helped me, because I can write about things I'm going through and girls my age can automatically relate. And I think [my age] has hurt me, because in the beginning, people were like, "Teenagers and country music? No way!" And I had interviewers who were dead-set on trying to get me to feel bad about how old I was. But you have to stand by who you are. I am 17-year-old girl, and I'm not ashamed of that. Age should not limit what you can accomplish. (x)
Is there a special guy in your life?
I'm completely single! I think that love is something that hits you when you're not looking for it. So I've been actively not looking for it for like two years. [laughs] I'm always the third wheel on my friends' dates. I have a bunch of best friends who never go more than a month without having a boyfriend. And I think that's kinda rubbed off on me, because I've seen the stuff they've gone through over the past two years. And I'm just like, "I'm gonna pursue my career instead." (x)
Garth Brooks has said that you are one of his daughters' favorite singers. Is that surreal to hear that a living legend is familiar with your music?
He is a living legend! And if you asked me who my hero is, I'd say Garth Brooks. I've met Garth's girls, they're wonderful. They came out to one of my shows. And it's just so unbelievable to see someone like Garth Brooks have kids who like my music. I'm like, "Are you kidding me? Your dad is Garth Brooks!" It's the coolest feeling ever. (x)
Do you have any other famous fans?
I was at the ACM Awards, and Emma Roberts came up to me backstage. She was like, "I just have to let you know, I'm announcing you tonight. And I'm a really big fan." And I was like, "Oh my gosh, I'm going to see your movie this weekend!" It was really cool. She's a sweetheart. (x)
Unlike a lot of other teen celebrities, you have managed to keep out of trouble. How do you resist temptation?
You have to surround yourself with good people who will tell you the things that maybe you don't want to hear -- the things you need to know to not do. I feel like I have an obligation to be responsible. I have a million people who went out and bought my album. Who knows how many of them were young girls? And I always think about the ten year old girl in the front row at my concert before I make a decision. "What would she think if she saw me do this? Would this affect her choices?" (x)
Out of all the milestones you've hit this year -- platinum sales, 8 weeks at No.1 on the country album charts, a CMT award, a CMA nomination -- what's been the highlight of your career?
The highlight of my career so far has been winning the CMT Breakthrough Video of the Year award. It's a fan-voted awards show, so I don't see any greater honor than winning an award that was voted on by fans. It was for my first video that I ever put out ['Tim McGraw'], and I'll never forget the feeling of just running ... bolting up to that stage. It was just the most amazing feeling. (x)
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bisluthq · 9 months ago
oh come on nat, it’s known taylor is petty and vindictive when she wants to be. that’s one of her core character flaws even if we love her. yes, grown people should know better and shouldn’t have to have taylor tell them off to realize they’re psychos, but at this point what she does doesn’t exist in a vacuum away from Swifties’ behaviour. even if she didn’t intend to fuel the theories with the playlists, she’s said nothing to disabuse fans of the notion that they’re defending her by doing the absolute most with her exes. If she’s online enough to respond to this theory in the first place, she’ll know about the abuse directed at Joe. Regardless of whatever feelings she may have towards him as an ex, I wouldn’t want that on my conscience. She more than anyone knows what it’s like to be on the receiving end of that online abuse when you feel like there’s a power imbalance. Putting some of the songs she did on the playlist are deliberately provocative. They’re not songs from other artists that influenced her when she was writing the album, they’re not new song previews from the album, and it seems like she’s only responding to fan theories so it’s not as if the album content is related to these playlists anyway. These playlists tell us nothing about the album in reality. Just seems like a cheap way to fan the flames of speculation and hate directed at Joe.
… and Joe can cuss her out in his head all the way to the bank (I looked again and exile is also on one so u basically can’t go to a lil playlist without joe making some money) where he can withdraw a couple hundred quid at the ATM, turn around and go to the bottle store, invite some mates round, and fucking call her a right Royal cunt as we’re all entitled to call our exes lol.
I mean like… what do u want Taylor to do? Say “my ex, who I broke up with, is an amazing dude overall - just kinda a crappy bf towards the end - and ergo undeserving of all this hatred, leave him be”? Do you actually genuinely believe that’ll matter? Has it ever mattered to stans when celebs ask fans to chill tf out? Have Selenators and Beliebers ever learned to chill, even after being told to? Are we gonna pretend Swifties and Bey Hive members don’t regularly beef in really ugly ways even tho Bey and Taylor have made it abundantly clear they admire one another and are friendly? Like idk the internet’s a weird and often ugly place lol. If you don’t like that, be less online.
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borreloadsavagedragon · 2 years ago
Give Kaito essay (for the character meme)
Oh god, I’ll read more this because it’s gonna be a journey and that's also why it took so long gjdaslgk-
And the standard zexal and arc v spoilers warning message-
1. how long have i known about them A LONG time though it didn’t get to like he’s my whole world status until pandemic era-- MalindaChan did her cosplay for him back when I was still a certified Yugiboomer who entertained GX and 5DS because "lol abridged series jokes" and that’s when I first remember seeing his design? I tried watching Zexal briefly when it was actively airing but just couldn’t get far bc Boomer Brain ™, but I remember him being cool but the "Kaiba-likeness but not being Kaiba" Yugiboomer wall couldn't be overcome right away, I had to train my skills Then 2020 happened, I watched Vrains to understand Link Summoning, got SUCKED into it, and was like wow past me was dumb, ALL of the spinoffs are GREAT Zexal reached a hand back out to me when I was kinda struggling with the Vrains community and I'd decided to start writing more spinoff muses with some mutual friends and that's also when I realized I’d be subconsciously collecting Galaxy and Photon monsters since they’re pretty + space themed but also because they were inside of ALL of the Kaiba support sets(because DUH) so it was like,,, well, let’s try that again
Now I’m In Hell And It’s All His Fault Do you think I ENJOY playing Photon competitively? Well yes, but also NO. It means learning new decks is HARD because I can't look at dragons and knights in SPACE.
2. whether or not they’ve ever made me cry Moon duel? W,, what Moon duel,,, I don’t,,, remember any space dueling, ahaha, isn’t that another yugioh, the rush of the go,,,,,,, In all serious though, yes lmao The duel against Zexal when he tells you his reasoning for why he’s the Number Hunter and he looks so broken, that got a solid few tears The flashback of him trying to break Haruto out of the city got some tears  The duel with Chris is also really good show of his character at the root, the thing that gets him back to his feet is the moment Chris even considers Haruto as part of his suffering, g o d The moon duel of course. That’s. That one was brutal. Yeah. 
3. whether or not i have any merchandise/objects with them uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
There’s a wall scroll behind my work desk that sneaks into my Zoom calls, there’s a canvas print he’s on that sits at my work desk, my ita bag has a handful of charms, pins, and buttons for him(still hunting for artists who draw him with merch wink wink)
I guess my Photon tcg deck counts? The tcg is just one big merch machine if you squint enough-
My Book of Moon themed binder is literally just all of my collector Photon and Galaxy/references to Kaito cards + a small page for Miza since Tachyon is a Galaxy Eyes
Do cosplays count? Because I’ve got all but his space suit basically done + his duel disk 
4. what about their personality i like How seriously he takes himself despite literally everything else about his character 
He’s often off to the side with his arms crossed, pouting or frowning, having the cool guy edge lord behavior But also he’s screaming in the rain, jumping through a window on a kite glider he made himself that also doubles as his robo-butler, flying to the whole ass moon because a rock told him to, and beefing 14 yr olds, he’s just a legend 
I also love that he's like... very clear about himself and on how you should treat him. He straight up says he's going to hell for what he's done and just continues to be there because that's how he'll atone because atonement isn't forgiveness, like he's not ours to forgive. Love him so much.
5. what about their backstory makes me emotional Honestly, most of it
Watching Kaito slowly lose his autonomy (his brother whose been his responsibility for what could be read as since birth, his father just becoming a figure head in his life versus an actual parent, Chris walking out on him with no closure until they duel, being watched by and trained under brutal conditions by the government, failed escape attempts, getting lied to and used, etc) and then knowing one of the people who he attributes half of that loss and suffering to is someone he never gets closure against is very hard to watch
Even in Arc V, he loses his entire family in a way that makes him cut ties with every single person left in a desolate city and hunt his enemies down one by one to pay them back for his suffering, and it happened before we finally actually get to see him or hear of him for the first time so god knows the details
He really just gets put through it time and time again, yugioh be nice to that onion challenge
6. the moment of theirs that made me the saddest there was no duel on the moon in yugioh zexal
But actually, Kaito dying is tragic for a few reasons
He was... ok with it happening-
He was killed off before the final duel and before he could reunite with Yuma and Ryouga again, and even though he came back as a spirit, it felt like a such a cop out
7. the moment of theirs that made me the happiest The pure look of joy on his face reuniting with his brother after they defeat Vector the first time, it’s so good The first time Prime Photon is summoned, goated, perfect, all boss monsters should be willed into existence like that But also Arc V, Kaito watching Dennis duel Yuya after everything with Zarc and clapping for him is so sweet omg
8. something about them that made me laugh HIS ONE LINERS, yugioh really gives the rivals the best solo lines I swear to god
Ok listen, dub and sun debate aside, I watched both because I’m a mess and need as much Kaito as I can get, but the dub has some heaters and Kaito’s got a few good ones, ESPECIALLY when he's talking to Mizael
The one to Shark, “You’re quite the romanticist”, who the fuck says that out loud to another person Kaito talking to Dennis is also a fever dream, the dub especially is so jarring, I love them
9. my favorite canon outfit of theirs White coat with the gazer tattoo, you can never go wrong with the Photon coat Numeral Hunter is also based, I know that's not like HIS look in any show, but... I HC that would be his Vrains Avatar, he could go to Vrains very easily, Solflare is an exploitable card in his deck
10. my favorite moment with them in canon UUUUGGHHHH CHOOSING ONE IS HARD
Uhhh, episode wise Shark Hunter is prooobably my favorite(for obvious reason but besides those LOL) because it’s such a tone setter for who Kaito is and also I could listen to these two bicker all day long, we really didn’t get nearly enough of their side rivalry as opposed to like Kaiba and Joey or Takeru and Ryoken
And then the Moon Duel is like my second favorite duel in the whole franchise, only outclassed by Soba and Revo in Vrains, you really get to see just how strong he is because he's half blind, still actively dying by dueling, and gets his helmet cracked in the vacuum of space, and he's still able to win
Character moment, the duel against Chris comes to mind again because it shows a lot of Kaito to his core, but also Kaito hauling ASS to get Yuma to Astral world to reunite with Astral is iconic, Kaito's always ready to take the plunge when everyone else says not to because he just KNOWS he's right
11. my favorite relationship they have with another character sweats profusely, I said it above somewhere I think- removing shipping from the equation entirely, I REALLY like all of the bff / rival dynamics across all of the shows, I love how well done they are and I fully find them more interesting than the standard protag/rival ones, even with KaiRyo having like the least amount of time dedicated to theirs comparatively. Ryouga and Kaito being treated so similarly by the hands dealt to them to where they'd understand the other one like looking in a mirror and yet they cannot stand each other, I eat that shit up. But also knowing the other person so well that they don't even have to talk and also realizing that person is their one of their only option to success? Give me MORE of that I also really love the foil between Mizael and Kaito a lot, I REALLY wish it got the time it was rumored to get, guess I gotta do everything myself In Arc V, Kaito and Shun's dynamic is really good for the little bit we're allowed the time to see it, Shun being one of the only characters who actually goes back for him after leaving so abruptly between Arc V and Zexal... tugs on the heart strings I also love that Kaito took ONE look at Edo in the safe house and decided to speed run the enemies part of the enemies to lovers arc they were going to have, I wish they could have spoken in canon more, hell GX Edo and Zexal Kaito would also be such an interesting dymamic
12. what i like about the way the fandom portrays them Everyone drawing him like >:D all of the time, keep doing that The white lab coat look too? Like not the Photon one, like a standard white lab coat? Perfect, DO NOT change that
nsfw next but also just how everyone knows he's a bottom no matter which ship it is lmao
13. what i dont like about the way the fandom portrays them that no one talks about him except in “WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE RIVAL” polls fndhxjshxbs
I’m going insane in my thoughts alone over here, I need to convert everyone to watch Zexal
14. what i liked about the way canon portrayed them Ok here we can get heated for a bit because I’ve seen an argument somewhere that Kaito didn’t develop at all from season 1 to 2 of Zexal but he 100000% did and I honestly like how it's done
Season 1 Kaito was purposefully talking to the air Astral could be in to avoid even looking at Yuma because he thought so little of him despite how much clawing to get on the same level as him Yuma did
Season 2 Kaito is jumping in to keep Mizael from killing Yuma without a second thought, he's going to the arctic despite ALL of the protests to build the bridge to Astral
His development is subtle, but it's very there, not to mention he can now stomach being in the same room as Faker, gave Chris a second chance, his dying words to Yuma are all the more apparent how important Yuma became to him Like the ONLY person we should have seen an actual conversation touching on Kaito's actions with WAS Ryouga but... be honest, Ryouga's not accepting that from Kaito, they're both very much people of action and they established their bond through the snark and bickering, that's how they communicate Plus Kaito's also outward about not being a good person, telling Yuma he sold his soul to the devil, telling the gang in the first episodes of Zexal II he's already going to hell because that's what his guilty soul deserves Ryoken and Kaito would be SUCH an interesting duo, I'm just saying
15. what i dont like about the way canon portrayed them Oh boy now here we go LOL
The duel against Mr Heartland. - This one's unbelievably bad for so many reasons, mostly because there’s no universe where Kaito struggles against Heartland of all people in a duel, but also this is the person who’s been THE symbol for most of his trauma and trials up until that point. There is no chance in hell he struggles, gets crippled by him, and has to have Yuma take over. That was and always should have been his duel to win, but Yugioh has the unfortunate "this is a story through the protag's eyes" shonen protag bug at its core (Yuma sweetie you’re lovely and wonderful, it’s literally not your fault) 
Arc V giving him literally no time for their version of Kaito to have a more satisfactory character arc because of how long and bad the Synchro Dimension/Friendship Cup arc was. Just another victim of the Synchro Arc, sighs. The dub also puts this weird and bad attempted joking line about how Kaito doesn't do family and like have you literally watched any of Zexal, you're the whole ass studio Kaito just doesn't feel very Kaito the same way in Arc V, it's very sad, lots of shit you know og Kaito wouldn't let fly that just goes by in Arc V, but different versions, dimensions, stories, etc etc, it's just such a whiplash coming from Zexal where he's just so much more
OCG Structures was a coward and didn’t want to play with dimensional physics because Kaito 110% could find a way into that timeline I haven't read the Zexal manga in full just yet because I wanna collect them all physically so that'll be later- And a little bit for the games since Konami wanted at least one of those to be canon thanks to Vrains world-
Cross Duel literally had you consider killing kids for him but honestly this one is more funny than infuriating, everyone's a worst version of themselves in Cross Duel agjdaslkgj Duel Links is usually pretty good, but since Kaito’s first launch event where he's hunting you down, he’s been very much more like an NPC for the Zexal world events, just seems weird to me, I'm sure that'll get thrown out once Chris' unlock event actually happens coming up here and when Miza gets added... then that digital world won't know WHAT to do
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rosefrancaise8 · 2 years ago
Now for our side trip into Slovenia, to see the port of Koper and the medieval coastal village of Piran, a mere 30 minutes from Trieste. It was a small affair - just the two of us, an American couple and our tour guide under a bright blue Slovenian sky. It was simple but beautifully done - we took our time walking through steep and winding cobblestoned streets, took quick peeks inside churches, and sat in one of the little squares tasting Slovenian wine matched to sardines, prosciutto and cheese on soft white bread. Delicious.
Our guide Bejan, was a big rap for his country of 2 million and from him we learned that: graffiti is a thing of the past (expensive fines are the answer); Slovenians are not fanatical about religion (there is appropriate separation between church and state); there is no crime (people have what they need); health care and education is free (including universities); unemployment is at 2%; the port is Europe’s largest for cars and it is always looking for people to drive them onto ferries); immigration is very low (asylum seekers are not choosing to come to Slovenia either); highly skilled work has replaced heavy industry; beef carpaccio was inspired by the artist Carpaccio’s liberal use of red paint; the average person can buy a house for $300,000 euros; wealthy Russians and Ukrainians have moved to Piran to avoid the war and pay people $20,000 euros to drive home to collect their belongings; there was a substantial public health response to Covid (Koper and Piran came off OK); the North Adriatic is fished out so with financial incentives from the EU new fish farming industries have developed (mussels, oysters, sardines and sea bass); all produce is organic (it is now illegal to use fertilisers and pesticides); post-Covid, the country has moved to smaller scale tourism with less environmental impact; it is a sport loving county and women are more highly represented than elsewhere in Europe - and finally, the President of the Parliament is a woman and she can move around freely and safely without security (as we saw for ourselves).
As a business operator and a citizen, he sounded proud of the decisions his government had taken about the environment and of the indelible positive impression that socialism (pre 1991) had made on social equality and the health and well being of his country.
Trieste’s proximity to Slovenia was one of the attractions it held for us so we were very glad to have had this experience. If we had a spare few thousand euros we would buy a tiny place in Piran no problem at all! Must remember to give our guide a good review.
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shpadoinkle-day · 2 years ago
Making South Park is a dirty job - at least, if its creators have an say in the matter.
By PAT ST.GERMAIN -- Winnipeg Sun
HOLLYWOOD -- The South Park movie Bigger, Longer And Uncut kicked some serious flaming butt in Hollywood, but now it's time for foul-mouthed third graders Kenny, Stan, Kyle and Eric Cartman to get back to bleepin' TV, m'kay?
Creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone say they're burned out after the movie and look forward to resuming their 73-show deal with Comedy Central after a six-week vacation, their first in three years.
"We just wanna get back to the show. I like TV a lot better a lot of times," Stone says. "There's a creative satisfaction to TV because you can just come up with something, do it, put it on the air. With a movie you have to do something for a year, it's really hard to keep your passion up that long."
Parker, a former prom king who's mildly obsessing about his 30th birthday this October, says he and Stone, a lanky 28 year old with a wild, kinky mane and matching attitude, don't have specific plans for the new season, but they're not sweating it.
The crudely animated show, which airs on Global and The Comedy Network on Friday nights in Canada, has only a nine-day production schedule. So far, Parker says comedian Chris Rock is onboard as a guest star in "the new Halloween episode -- he'll probably be a little white guy."
But there probably won't be more evil celebrity characters in monster spoofs like the heinously funny Barbra Streisand Mecha-Streisand episode.
"You know, Barbra's the only celebrity we really despise, so maybe we'll just sort of do that again," Parker says. Babs is apparently widely detested in Parker and Stone's home state of Colorado, first because "she single-handedly ruined Aspen" by turning it into a Hollywood satellite burg, and later because she slammed state politics Parker says she knew nothing about.
A few other Hollywood heavyweights have irritated the creative free spirits lately, but to use a pet phrase, they don't give a ... um, darn.
Their highly publicized battles with the U.S. ratings body had MPAA head Jack Valenti calling the pair liars and "hairballs" in print, a development Stone finds hilarious.
"F--ing great, I love it. I love it 'cause it's like flippin' off the principal and having the principal get mad, you know what I mean? It's like, f-- that guy."
Stone says there's a need for a ratings board, but it's "unnerving" that big studios can get R ratings when independent filmmakers have to take NC-17 ratings for the same product.
"The truth is we were treated extremely different when we were independent filmmakers than when we were doing the studio thing," he says.
After getting an NC-17 on three different cuts of the South Park movie -- in which the U.S. declares war on Canada after American kids see the R-rated Terrance And Phillip movie Asses Of Fire and emulate the flatulent, foul-mouthed Canadian cartoon heroes -- Stone says he blew his stack when he learned it was still rated NC-17 four weeks before it opened.
But a few well-placed calls from Paramount got the film an R rating by the next day.
"We didn't change one frame in the film. It had an NC-17, somebody leaned on them, they gave it an R, which is great for us, and I was totally happy. But when we did independent films like Orgazmo, we didn't have anybody to do that and we just had to f--ing put the movie out -- we had to make the choice, we were either butchering the movie or putting it out NC-17 and killing the movie and we took the latter."
Stone says Paramount executives have asked him and Parker not to talk about the MPAA, but as Cartman might say, he doesn't respect their authoritah -- blasting the ratings system is a matter of principle.
"The only people who can speak up about it are the filmmakers and the artists because no one else is going to because they're all in bed together."
He estimates the movie could have earned another $30 million at the box office as a family film, but he and Parker are glad they stuck to their raunchy guns.
"They wanted to make this PG-13 thing that would make sh--loads of money, you know, and we just wouldn't let them do it," Parker says. "And we pissed people off in the process, but we're proud of ourselves. We're still making a sh--load of money, so f-- 'em.
Stone says he figured early on that Bigger, Longer And Uncut would be their last shot at studio filmmaking, anyway.
"We kinda knew if we didn't hit a home run we were gonna be f--ed. You know, if we just came out with a pretty funny movie?"
"The movie felt like a swan song and it was like, you know how you hear about somebody committing suicide, and they're happy? It was kinda like that. We were like, 'Swan song, f--ing blow it out. I don't f--ing care.'
"This is our one chance and we're gonna go out in our own way, f-- 'em. I mean, we thought this is going to be the last thing we do, everybody's gonna f--ing hate it, and we're done and so let's just do whatever we wanna f--ing do that's gonna make our friends laugh, and f-- 'em."
But the musical -- Parker's "first love" is piano and he has a gift for writing wickedly brilliant show tunes -- turned out to be one of the best movies of the summer, although some critics panned its coarse language and crude subject matter.
"I think Roger Ebert's a pretty smart guy and I respect his reviews, but in his TV show he gave us a thumbs down, which is fine -- if you don't like the movie, fine I don't care," Stone says. "But he was also kinda mad about the content ... and this is the guy who wrote Beneath The Valley Of The Dolls and if you've seen that, I just watched it last week ... and I was like this is the most f--ing depraved smut."
Despite its critics, the subversive movie has won over some new fans of the Terrance and Phillip flip-top head variety.
"Yeah, we've got a whole new Canadian following," Parker laughs."Everyone's response has been really cool. Everyone gets it. The joke is that we wanted to pick somebody who is so similar to us that the joke is, 'Why are we being racist?' And saying they talk different and look different when really they don't much at all."
Stone says the pair may do another TV show, which would likely be animated, and there are "rumblings" about a movie sequel. But the only certainty is that whatever they choose, they'll do it their way.
"For better or worse, we don't have a manager, we don't have a publicist, we don't have a managed image, you know what I mean? We can f--ing do whatever we want," Stone says.
"And sometimes it succeeds and sometimes it totally fails, but we just do what we want, 'cause you know, the times we've done what we want, it turned into South Park, which everyone told us would be a big failure. "If we're gonna lose -- if we're gonna be f--in' losers -- we're just gonnalose our own way."
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ausetkmt · 2 years ago
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Everybody’s got a story to tell, but few bios, memoirs or anecdotes are worthy of being rehashed like The Notorious B.I.G.’s for the better part of the last three decades. By now, plenty of us are well-versed in the cliff-notes and general details: Local Brooklyn hustler and underdog finds success as a rap star, puts his crew on, reaches unfathomable heights of fame and survives a high-profile beef before being gunned down in cold blood before reaching his prime years.
But, with an origin as layered and rich as Biggie’s, there’s always more to learn, particularly about the man behind the Versace frames and the music, which we’re reminded of with the release of Biggie: I Got a Story to Tell, the new Netflix documentary detailing the rapper’s youth and the events leading up to the release of his debut album, Ready to Die. Built around rare footage filmed by Biggie’s close friend, Damion “D-Roc” Butler, and interviews with his loved ones including his mother, Voletta Wallace; friends Suif “Gutta” Jackson and Hubert Sam; Junior M.A.F.I.A. members Lil Cease and Chico Del Vec; jazz musician Donald Harrison and more; Biggie: I Got a Story to Tellis a candid look into the life and times of a certified rap phenomenon that gives new context to his origins. The project was executive produced by close friend and Bad Boy collaborator Sean “Diddy” Combs, as well.
As the annual anniversary of The Notorious B.I.G.’s death looms closer, the doc arrives right on time to celebrate the life, music, and legacy of one of the greatest rap artists to ever step in a vocal booth or rock the mic.
Here are nine intriguing facts from Biggie: I Got a Story to Tell that even his most die-hard fans probably never knew. Peep them below.
1. His Connection To Clinton Hill
The Notorious B.I.G. may have represented Brooklyn as a whole to the fullest, but the late rap icon has long been synonymous with the borough’s Bedford-Stuyvesant section, one of the more notorious and crime-ridden neighborhoods in New York City. However, while Biggie frequented Bed-Stuy and became a local fixture during his teenage and adult years, he actually was raised in Clinton Hill, a working-class neighborhood bordering the Stuy that was infamous in its own right. St. James Place, the block Biggie grew up on, may have been a mere few blocks from the streets he ultimately rose to fame on, but as a youth, Clinton Hill and Bed-Stuy appeared to be worlds away from another in his eyes.
2. His Family’s Roots In Jamaica
Caribbean culture is embedded within hip hop — from the art to the figures in it — with The Notorious B.I.G. being among the most decorated rap artists of all-time with West Indian roots. Despite being born in Brooklyn shortly after her arrival in the United States, Biggie’s mother, a Jamaican immigrant, made an effort to keep him in tune with the culture of her homeland. Going on annual trips to Jamaica during the summer throughout his childhood, Biggie soaked up the lifestyle and the atmosphere of the island, where he attended local jams and concerts with his uncle, Dave Wallace, one of his earliest influences as a musician and creative.
3. His Love of Country Music 
Hip Hop played a prominent role in shaping The Notorious B.I.G.’s identity, but his interests extended beyond that box due to sounds playing within his household. A lover of ballads and country westerns, Voletta’s musical taste was in stark contrast to what one may expect from the mother of one of the greatest rap artists to live, but rubbed off on her son, who once admitted to not being able to fall asleep without listening to country music, a revelation shared by close friend and classmate Hubert Sam.
4. His Favorite Rapper
Being “Your Favorite Rapper’s Favorite Rapper” is a cocksure claim that has been made numerous times on wax and otherwise throughout hip hop history. But, I Got a Story to Tell actually provides a large segment of rap fans with Biggie’s idol. During the documentary, close friend Suif “Gutta” Jackson reveals that The Notorious B.I.G.’s favorite rap artist was fellow Brooklynite Big Daddy Kane.
5. The Junior M.A.F.I.A. Member Who Introduced Biggie To The Crack Game
Within the music world, Junior M.A.F.I.A. is viewed as a rap crew, but according to several figures featured in I Got a Story to Tell, it doubled as the family that helped transform The Notorious B.I.G. from a timid, yet studious youngster into a street hustler. Chico Del Vec was key in that evolution, as he was the first person to introduce Biggie to the crack game and influence him to become a dealer himself during the late ‘80s.
6. The First Rap Albums He Owned
Coming of age right as hip hop was blossoming as a culture, The Notorious B.I.G. was an avid rap fan, as he and Sam consumed the music, fashion, and lingo every chance they could get. While Biggie’s mother was far from well-versed in rap, she inadvertently played a pivotal role in fostering his love for the genre with her purchase of the debut albums of Run D.M.C. and The Fat Boys in 1984. These tapes were the first two rap albums owned by the BK phenomenon, who took wrinkles from each act to eventually incorporate into his own style years after the fact.
7. Where He Recorded His First Demo As A Rapper
Back when he was rhyming under the name MC CWest, The Notorious B.I.G. teamed up with Sam to record a demo tape. With granted permission by their parents, the two combined their allowance money savings to book studio time at Funky Slice Studios, a local recording hub in downtown Brooklyn, where the pair recorded their first song. Rhyming over the Toto “Africa” instrumental, the recording, which was Biggie’s first as a full-fledged rapper, was an early indication of his talent.
8. Roland Young Being The Inspiration for “Miss U”
At the beginning of the Life After Death cut “Miss U,” Biggie pays homage to his late friend “O.” I Got a Story to Tell delves into the inner-workings of Biggie’s relationship with his deceased homie, otherwise known as Roland “Olie” Young, one of his earliest champions who inspired him to pursue a career in rap. Unfortunately, O, who was killed in 1992 in the Brownsville section of Brooklyn following a drug dispute with his uncle, Carl “I-God” Bazemore, was unable to see Biggie reach the pinnacle of fame. Nevertheless, he remained a central figure in his story.
9. The Backstory To Biggie’s Legendary Rap Battle On Bedford Ave
Prior to the internet, The Notorious B.I.G. went viral in the streets via the first clip capturing the then-teenage rapper verbally assaulting an unsuspecting foe on mic. The video, which was filmed on Bedford Avenue in Bed Stuy, features Biggie rocking the crowd and helped create the buzz that caught the attention of local DJ 50 Grand and legendary spinner Mister Cee. However, what many fans do not know is the opponent that he was facing in that particular battle or the backstory of how it started. After getting heckled by a local rapper named William “Supreme” McClune, whose rhymes are featured in the doc, Biggie rips his adversary to shreds, establishing his rep as the hottest rap prospect in Bed-Stuy.
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essiekuko · 2 months ago
i looked at the artworks folder and it was insane how much was in it
i genuinely dont want that folder ever again, its probably gonna make my laptop explode
but i also love looking at all the artwork
this isn't even half of everything that was in it
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this game is for big backs, foodies and pro-4n4s <33
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its so useful for curbing hvng3r. i used to think playing food games did nothing to curb it but it kinda lowkey does. just think of it as a reward, in a way, if food is a reward to u. a reward for f4st1ng as long as u do. im 2 hrs away from hitting 24h in the f4st and im so sooo tempted to 3at, but i'm trying everything to ignore the feeling. so im playing the tea time buffet on roblox!!
and yes, when the guacamole beef burger from carl's jr ad played on tv, a big ahh growl filled the entire room
slaying, blood still on the weapon
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i love this genre of images sm. like those photoshop ones <3
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this is what makes us girls...and the girlblog is so useful for avoiding talking about ur feelings and ur eyes watering in public!! ^^
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trying to get just like her fr xx
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can confirm 💗
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awwhh i cant wait to be a retired girlblogger
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november was probably wildest month of the year. mental disorders spiraling, i started sh for the first time, sm new short-lived obsessions, lots of new music, big final exams, strengthened relationships....this is what i call 'pre-christmas sadness' where u experience the worst ever all in one month so that christmas can be ur big break
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i love these images, and i relate to everything, if only ppl made some photos like it replacing spotify (i have personal beef with spotify) with soundcloud or apple music (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡
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my personal beef with spotify, hmmm, where should i start. i started collecting all my music in one big playlist in 2020 and ofc 2020 was a very conflicting year of my life. start of teenage era and lockdowns. i was so obsessed with things, and usually when i have obsessions (i still do) they're short-lived and after they die out, i refuse to look back at them. and lockdown gave me lots of time to obsess and no time to let it die down. and since i was so big on spotify in 2020 i dont want to look back at it. and it wasnt just 2020. 2 close friends i lost, each a year after the other, used to share their spotify playlists with me. and also, like, spotify has gotten so stingy nowadays, u can't play like 1/2 a song without double ads rolling in. and it's so confusing to navigate actually, thats part of the reason why i only kept one playlist. i also only keep 1 playlist cause thats just how i like it lol.
i love lizzy grant sm, she gives me an outlet for all my emotions and helps me to see the bright side of things when i romanticise the melancholy!!
im going to admit i used to not be so keen on sabrina carpenter initally when she blew up viral this year. i always remembered her as that purely authentic, original, true to herself disney star. and i have a hard time liking the disney-made stars (miley cyrus is an exception, bc she managed to distance herself from disney) bc it feels like they're just handed the success on a silver platter what with disney's incredible influence in hollywood. but sabrina has become more endearing lately, and im rlly loving her little 50s-60s babydoll starlet theme. and yk how i feel abt that, given im a diehard lizzy grant fangirl. so now i rlly do see the originality and authenticity of her image, and i found out she'd been working to be noticed in the music industry for 10 years now. its admirable and relatable, the struggle for success. it humanizes her more, apart from being promised success since she signed with disney from the very begininng. now i just dont focus too much on what goes on behind the scenes, and learn to appreciate these artists and their themes/images, as something to just find beautiful
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bluespace-writer · 7 months ago
Team Fortress 2 [my] Headcanons!
RED Team headcanoncs:
> all 9 mercs
> Crazy as always. This man spends his free time working. On what? Who knows but it's twisted for sure...
> He actually enjoyed BLU Spy's head company. Many times he tried to sew him to new body of different animal. Unfortunately his head wouldn't survive after such operations. What a shame...
> He actually cares about his team. Uh- i mean, to the point he'll keep them alive (we don't talk about him stealing their souls).
> Always reads book with medical jokes before operation, just to entertain his patient and himself.
> Best friends with Heavy. He's glad that, besides Engineer, he can talk to him about anything.
> He is an animal lover. You will see animals like dogs or cats following him back to his van from time to time.
> He actually enjoys Scouts company.
> He isn't shy. He just want to have some alone time for himself.
> In his free time, he likes to watch sunsets and humms some of the songs his mother was singing to him when he was little.
> 100% collects many small things like animal teeth.
> smells like piss? Hell no. He is a hunter, after all. He cleans himself every day. I mean, come on, good luck with hunting when your prey can smell you from miles. He's a professional after all.
> He owns a small snake he got as (unwanted) present from Sniper. He doesn't like it but keeps him otherwise.
> He writes a lot of love letters to Scouts Ma. He's a true poet if I say so myself.
> Plays chess with Medic.
> He takes side missions from Administrator and believe me when I say that he is always successful.
> ADHD confirmed.
> He is a great artist! He will sneek sometimes doodles and sketches to Miss Pauling as gifts.
> Can't sleep without a noise, so he listens to Tom Jones on his headphones until he falls asleep (Because of it, he has dreams with Tom Jones beeing his dad Lol).
> Besides chicken wings, he loves good warm chicken soup.
> He can cook! His Ma wouldn't let her boy starve.
> He reads at least 2 books before he goes to sleep.
> Because of Medic, Heavy learned to love birds and actually named one of Medic's dove Akim.
> Quiet but verry good listener. Will gossip with Medic about everything.
> He actually talked with BLU Heavy once (in Russian language). It was a nice conversation, but RED Sniper decided to end it with one clean shoot.
> He loves puzzles and sometimes ask Engineer for some interesting magazines with them.
> Stupid? He is crazy but he isn't an idiot. He just let's everyone belive he is.
> Solider thinks all his teammates are Americans (besides Spy. Solider knows he's French).
> Zannah actually moved with him. He makes another necklace for her. And yes... it is made out of the human ears.
> He actually has bad vision even without a helmet. That's why RED Medic wants to upgrade his eyes. He really wants Medic to use pure American eagle eyes. Oh boy, someone stop him-
> After he covered himself in honey, couple of days later he tried to cover himself in jam.
> 78% of the time, he's drunk. He drinks 22% of the time.
> He LOVES spending time with BLU Solider. He is his best bud.
> He learned Polish language from BLU Solider so they could communicate on the battlefield. For others, it sound like they're just insulting each other.
> He collects empty bottles. Why? That's a good question.
> He has a beef with a goat that steals old food from the base. It seems that none of the mercs actually seen that goat besides him, so everyone thinks he's crazy- um- more crazy than he usually is.
> Fire is prettyyyy!
> They like setting different things on fire just to see in what color it'll burn.
> Humms some of the songs mercs teached him. Tho, it became a problem because she sounds really scary while doing it, especially at night.
> In his Pyrovison everyone looks for her like children so he act like parent figure for them.
> Best friends with Engineer and Demo!
> They gave Scout a nickname: Bunny.
> She collects animal pulishes and sleeps with them at night. It helps him to fall asleep.
> Tried most of the time.
> He is allergic to peanuts.
> Best guitar player in the team. He sometimes plays lullaby for Pyro to sleep.
> After he heard that BLU Engineer cut his hand off for a robotic arm, he had to do the same, so he cut his hand off... by himself. Fortunately, he was lucky that Medic had found him because he passed out on the floor from the blood loss. At least he manage to attached new hand before that!
> He has heterocromia (his left eye is green, his right is blue).
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